chapter 3

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Chapter 3: One done, more to come...


A/N: Wow, I'm receiving so many responses from you. Arigatou to all, your ideas are all fantastic, marvelous even make myself hard to choose them.

Wattpad: ElleneDea27, CutiePoplar, 21penmanships, Hikari_Hajime, AboveClouds, 1827-lover-4-ever Arina, XD, Guest, Lamia, AnimeLover , tofldh, SeventhAssasin, Shiki,

Thank you for your response and ideas. I am crying right now, seeing how you all willing to help me. I appreciate it.

Tsuna grunts in annoyance when Reborn forces him to pack his stuff for the trip. He knows Reborn up to something very bad. How he knows it? His intuition tells him. He will try to be alert with Reborn's behavior during this trip. It is already past 10 o'clock and Tsuna starts to settle himself on his bed. Slowly, he drifts to dreamland. Reborn wakes up before hops to the ground.

Reborn steps out from the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen, to get something to drink. He almost reaches the kitchen when he sees the light still on. He arches one of his eyebrows before steps inside the kitchen, only to see Nana currently sipping hot milk.

"Ah, Reborn-chan," greets Nana once she sees Reborn, opening the fridge door before taking out mineral water. Then he hops and settles himself on the dining table.

"Not sleeping yet,Mama?" asks Reborn, pouring the mineral water to the glass before drinking it.

"On my way. Tsuna told me that his class will be having a class trip to Italy tomorrow," said Nana, looking at Reborn.

"Would you mind if I make a breakfast for all of you tomorrow?" ask Nana while smiling at Reborn. Reborn looks at her. Somehow, his intuition telling him that Nana's smile right now is not her usual loving smile. This is more like a smile of demon-disguise-in-human mask, right now. He knows now, Nana also wants to participate in this 'sweet revenge' plan of his.

"Of course I don't mind, Mama. I bet Tsuna's classmate gonna 'enjoy' your homemade bento," said Reborn, hiding his smirk.

"Of course, they will," said Nana.


Today is the day of the trip. Tsuna put on his cloth. Somehow, they're allow to wear their casual clothing. Like usual, Tsuna wears his blue sky hoodie, white undershirt and denim pants. He walks to the kitchen to enjoy his breakfast. As soon as he enters the kitchen, his eyes almost pop out from the sockets cause the amount of bento box his mother preparing.

"Ohayou,Tsu-kun," greets Nana,finally notices Tsuna's presence. She placing his breakfast on the table but he didn't move from his spot, standing at the entrance while gapping his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Tsu-kun?" asks Nana, tilted her head sideways.

"Kaa-san, why are you making a whole lot of bento?" ask Tsuna, pointing at the bento box.

"Arra, you having a class trip today, right? I'm just doing this as a favor to your classmate," said Nana. Suddenly, they heard a knock from the outside. Tsuna opens it only to see Gokudera, Ryohei, Kyoko and Yamamoto.

He blushes seeing Kyoko's cute cloth. She is currently wearing a 3/4 black jeans and pinkbaby doll chiffon frill blouse with lace trim.

"We better get going quickly, Tsuna-kun. Or the bus gonna leaves us," said Kyoko.

Suddenly, Nana appears with the bento on her hand. She gives a tall cloth-wrapped bento to Tsuna which have 10 bento box, Yamamoto and Ryohei are holding a tall-one same as Tsuna, each.

"The one that Yamamoto and Sasagawa holding is for your classmate. While the one you hold is for you and your friends, Tsuna. Don't get it mixed up, okay?" said Nana. Being an obedient son, Tsuna only nods in agreement.

Then, they start to go to school. Tsuna hopes that this is just one normal class trip.


If Tsuna didn't tightly hold the bento, he will instantly drop the bento when he sees the bus parking in front of the school gate. Actually the bus didn't actually shock him. What shock him the most is the emblem of a clam that he knows so much on the bus' body?

"You're late, Dame-Tsuna," exclaims Kei in ager.

"Oh look, what did he bring? A lot of bento that could feed off the whole army," said Kirito, Kei's acquaintance in bullying Tsuna.

"My Kaa-san prepares it for all of you," said Tsuna. Kei and Kirito scoffed.

"Well, we don't need it. We already bring our snack," Kirito shows his bag full of snacks.

"I conspicated these," said Reborn, swiftly taking Kirito's bag. Kirito is shocked to see his bag of snack already gone. Unwillingly, he takes the bento. Later on, the whole class takes it.

"Herbivores get up the bus quickly before I'll bite you all to death," said Hibari, appearing out of nowhere. This causes the students to get into the bus, hurriedly. After all the students get on the bus, Hibari also enters and takes his seat beside Tsuna on the front row.

"Why does Hibari-san, Ryohei-senpai and that man who looks like Chrome, joining us on this trip? Isn't it suppose to be class 2-A trips," whisper one girl to her friends.

"Of course, we have to come. Both me and Mukuro has to protect Kyoko and Chrome from danger. Hibari comes so you don't do anything that could tarnish Nami-chuu's name," said Ryohei when he himself hears the question.


They arrive at the airport and after getting their passport checked, they board to the plane. It is almost afternoon and they decide to eat the bento Nana prepared. They know Nana is popular with her delicious cooking. They just can't wait to devour the delicious-looking bento.

They all are eating the bento, commenting how delicious it is. After a while, their faces turn reddish before they quickly gulp the water in oneshot. Some of them starts running to the bathroom couldn't hold the spiciness of the food and one of them is Kei.

Yamamoto decides this is the times sticking out his legs since his sitting on the chair at the aisle side. The outcome is as expected when Kei trips on it and fall flat on his face. He raise up and glares at Yamamoto and Yamamoto just shrugs his shoulder while smiling.

"Oh my. I'm sorry for that, I have rather long legs," said Yamamoto. Kei hurriedly get up and go to bathroom, when he sees the glare of Hibari, directed at him. Yamamoto smirks, he hi-five with Gokudera who sit beside him. FIRST STAGE HAS JUST BEGUN.

Reborn go to inspect the bento and smell it before he quickly drew back his head when he sniffs the scent of hot pepper and wasabi in it. He wonders how many tons of pepper Mama put on her cooking for the classmate.

Reborn tips his fedora to hide his amused smirk. He was planning to start the punishment when they arrive to Italy but who knows that Nana is the one to start it first. One down, more to come.


Nana humming her favorite song while chopping the onion. She looks at the clock before smiling devilishly. The classmates probably have already eat the bento and get the taste of the hot pepper and wasabi she put in it. Of course, she did a different one for Tsuna and his friends. Then, she starts to humming again, but this time in cheerful way.

"Don't think you can get off after bullying my Tsu-kun. I wasn't nicknamed Black Iron Bar Nana for nothing, you know?" said Nana to no one.

To be continued...

A/N: is it to your liking? I currently make a plot for all of your punishment's suggestion. Maybe, your suggestion will appear in the next chapter. Wait and see, ne . ^_^

Long 'Fun' Class Trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now