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Lussuria looked on his watch and saw it almost 6. Now, they're on their way to go back to the house. Four hours in the amusement park feel like a minute. Now, he knows what kids always feel when the parent decided to go home when they came to the amusement park. Sure, you didn't feel time flies when you had so much fun in the amusement park. He looked back and saw how the classmates still tremble in fright. This is probably their worst class-trip ever.

He turned to look at Xanxus who currently arguing with Levi and Squalo. But, behind those eyes he can see the same amusement played in their eyes. Well, they already get their revenge. But this is not the end because those who lined to get their revenge already prepared their plan.

He can still remembers how frightened the student look like when they see their days in amusement park isn't the same with normal amusement park out there.


"It is late. Do you think they push it yet?" asked Squalo in irritation. It almost ten minutes but there is no signal to show that they pushed the button yet.

"Be patient, Squ-chan. They're kids we're talking about," said Lussuria, paddling his boy approaching Squalo. Just after he said that, the red signal lamp is turned on.

"Ah, there. They did press it," said Lussuria.

"Let have some fun," smirked Squalo, entering the pool. Lussuria sighed.

"In the end, Luss-Mama have to do all the work," grumbled Lussuria before clearing his throat and preparing to shout, "Girls, you better take refuge," shouted him to the girls who happily playing in the water.

"Tch, what that old guy wants?" protested one of the girls.

"Hey, he is not a guy. He is an okama," whispered another girl. The girl started laughing when they realized it too.

"Everyone, look! A cute dolphin," said the girl when he realized a dolphin nudged her back. She turned and rubbed on the dolphin's melon (A/N: I SEARCHED FOR ITS ANATOMY... IT IS HIS HEAD I THINK)

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," whispered Lussuria. Just right on the cue, the dolphin started turning aggressive and chased those girls.

The scream of the girl get louder and Lussuria wondered why. He squinted his eyes and realized there is a second dorsal fin beside the dolphin's dorsal fin. Then he heard a whistle beside him and turned to see Squalo was there.

"You released Alo*?" asked Lussuria.

"Just to accompany Delfi**. And this is a part of the plan," said Squalo, tossing the familiar small-sized box on his hand. Then, they relaxed and see how the girls tried to avoid from being those two carnivores lunch.

"Help us, Lussuria-san, Squalo-san," cried the girls, currently hanging on the pole. They screamed ever loudly when the fish jumped and almost eat their feet.

At first they really want to watch the rare amusement even longer. But, when they heard Tsuna's voice who approaching them, they quickly get in the water. The girls screamed when the fish headed toward both Lussuria and Squalo. But, both fish avoid from hitting the Varia in time and go forward.

The girl's eyes almost bulged out their socket when they saw both fish headed toward Tsuna, who sit at the pavement. What even more surprising is the fish were whipping their tail and even stick out their tongue like a dog when Tsuna rubbed them.

Long 'Fun' Class Trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now