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Chapter 4: welcome to our world



The Vongola Nono, Byakuran, Varia, Arcobaleno were having meeting about Tsuna's class trip. Meeting about what they gonna do to the bullies to learn their lesson to never messed up with Tsuna again. But, at the time, they all startled when a pillar of Sky Flame appeared and as soon as the flame disappeared, Primo standing in its place.

"Nice seeing you, Primo," greeted Nono at the spirit. Giotto turned his head and nodded.

"So, you're planning for the lesson you want to teach to Decimo's bullies so that they never bullied him again?" asked Giotto, looking at everyone present there.

"Yeah. We're not gonna stop even if you're the one stopping us," said Lal bravely. Giotto diverted his eyes to look at her.

"Stopping you? Oh no! I'm gonna stopping you," said Giotto with amused smirk that caught everyone attention.

"Even I have my own plan," said Giotto, his smirk turning dangerous. Nono rested his chin on his clenched hand on the table while smiling dangerously. Giotto is known is one of the best battle planners during his time.

"What is your plan, Primo?" asked Nono.

"First, if you want to enjoy torturing the bullies, you must separate Tsunayoshi from his class group," said Giotto.

"As in makes them into small group?" asked Byakuran. Giotto only nods.

"But, make sure that Tsunayoshi didn't stay in one group with his Guardians. I bet they also want to enjoy, giving those bullies their revenge," said Giotto.

"Did you hear that, Reborn?" said Nono to the phone.


Reborn, who at that time, joining the meeting through phone line, chuckled a bit.

"Oh, I heard well, Nono," said Reborn, hanging up the phone line. Suddenly, Reborn walks to the front before clapping his hand to catch everyone's attention.

"Alright, we're gonna reach Italy in one hour time. Now, I'm gonna split you into small groups," said Reborn that cause the classmate to muttering with their friends. Reborn announced their names in their own groups.

"And finally this name belongs to the last group. Sasagawa Kyoko, Kurokawa Hana, Chrome Dokuro and Tsunayoshi Sawada," said Reborn, finalizing his speech.

'I'm gonna stay in one group with Kyoko-chan,' whispered Tsuna in his heart.

"Now, assemble into your group. During this trip, make sure you stay with your group," said Reborn. The students only nodded in agreement before slowly assemble into their group.


"Now, we're gonna talk about who gonna welcome them when they arrives to the airport," said Giotto.

"Can you two do it, Mare boy and Enma?" asked Giotto to the two teens present.

"Yeah, I'm gonna see Tsu-chan," cheered Byakuran with sing-song voice.

"I t-try t-to do it r-right," stuttered Enma still with his timid personality.

"Okay, now let's move Enma-kun. I can't wait to see Tsu-chan," said Byakuran, dragging Enma out of the room.

"W-wait, Byakuran-san," stuttered Enma but was ignored by Byakuran. Shimon's guardians decided to follow their Boss.


Tsuna and his classmate finally arrived to Italy. They soon steps out arrival hall door while looking around the huge airport.

"TSU-CHAN!!" suddenly someone with spiky white hair pounced on Tsuna and cause Tsuna to step backwards because of the force.

"Byakuran!" said Tsuna in alert voice.

"Oi, get off from Juudaime," yells Gokudera out of frustration.

"No! You're just jealous that I'm acting all lovey-dovey with Tsu-chan," said Byakuran, tightening his hug to Tsuna's small body.

"Byakuran, c-can't breathe," said Tsuna in struggle voice. Byakuran immediately released his hug.

"Hahaha, sorry about that," said Byakuran rummaging his hair, making it messier than it used to be.

"Owh, Enma-kun and his guardians are also here. He really wants to see you," said Byakuran. He could see the happy look on Tsuna's eyes. He must be missing his best friend.

Tsuna, with the thought to see Enma once again, rushed to the exit door. His guardians also followed him to meet with Enma's guardians.

"Oi, Sawada, wait for us," said Hana, walking with Kyoko and Chrome.

Byakuran looks at the classmate before showing off his childish smile that caught most of the girl heart.

"You all must be Tsu-chan's classmate," said Byakuran still having this happy aura around him. The classmate nodded.

"So, all of you, must at least once, have bullied Tsu-chan?" asked Byakuran, suddenly his happy aura replaced with anger aura. Despite that, he still maintained his sweet face and smile.

"Welcome to Italy and...Welcome to our world," said Byakuran venomously at the last part that caused the classmate to tremble in fear.



Long 'Fun' Class Trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now