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Chapter 11

disclaimer: khr don't belong to me

warning: grammar mistake, spelling error, wrong use of words, etc

i been a month since i last updated this... although i decided previously the next chapter will be the last... i thought another three is coming out (included 2 omakes) so i hope you like this story...


The classmates were trembling hard. It was almost midnight but they can't get the new information off their mind. They were in freaking mafia castle. Mafia family that is more like a yakuza for cying out loud. What kind of mess did they have had themselves into?

"Hey, let's get out of here before they literally killed us and sold our organ?" suggested one of the boys.

"But, we didn't have any money," said one of the girls in worry. They all just one thought, and that is to get out from this mansion immediately and quietly.

"It is fine, I told my dad to book tickets for us. When we get back, you pay it back to me," said Kei. Others only nodded. Finally decided to packing up and met an hour later, they disperse to their room.

None of them noticed the snow white owl who resting on one branch of the tree outside.

'Kufufu, no way we make you escape this so easily,'


One hour later...

"You guys ready?" asked Kei, looking at his fellow classmates. They nodded. Kei who act as the leader, peeked out of the door to see if the hallways was clear or not. Once he sure that was clear, he gave signal and all of them walked quietly on the hallways.

Suddenly, they stopped their track when they heard some bone cracking sound. One of the girls who own the flashlight directed it toward the source. And the scene caused all of them to hysterically shrieking.

What they just see is probably gonna be nightmare to them. A few feet in front of them were Hibari, still wearing his school uniform, but he didn't wear his usual jacket (I don't know what it's called). He was wearing a mantel while blood decorated his white school shirt. He was holding a human leg and a human hand on both of his hands. Blood drooling down from his mouth to his chin and he has a two long sharp fangs that make him looked like a vampire.

"Blood. I want your sweet blood, that's gonna make me live for another 100 years," said Hibari, throwing the hand and leg and ran toward them. Not wanting for any second, almost all of them ran while screaming hysterically. Some of them completely passed out on the spot.


They continued to run until they bumped into something. They looked up and saw glowing giant back. The giant turned back and looked down at them. He squatted down and extended his hands. But, because of the fear, they slapped those hands away. A bad move, indeed because as soon as they touch him, they feel electric pulse running in their body and they passed out while an afro-like hair because of the electric shock. The giant was dumbfounded when he saw they passed out when he did nothing wrong to him. Then, he heard a cheerful laugh right behind him.

"What did I done wrong, Byakuran-sama?" asked Ghost, looked at Byakuran who walked toward him.

"You had done nothing wrong, Ghost. In fact, you done it perfectly,"

"But, I didn't do anything,"

"That's right and that is perfect. Come on, let's go. About them, don't worry. The maid will clean up the 'garbage'," said Byakuran, disappearing with Ghost.


The group slowing the running pace and tried to catch up their breath. But, suddenly they feel goosebumps when they heard a faint crying of a girl. They gulped before finding the source, hoping in their heart that is wouldn't be something other than human.

They came across with a young girl that looks like he still in her elementary school. She has light blue colour hair and bright blue eye colour.

"Why are you crying, young girl?" asked Kei to the girl.

"I can't find my legs," sobbed the girl.

"W-What?" stuttered Kei before he looked down and saw her lower half body wasn't there. Her waist completely made out of the water.

"Please help me looked for my legs," pleaded the girl. The boy gulped when the girl's face started to darken a bit. "Or I'll be taking yours," said Bluebell darkly that cause the boy to literally piss in their pants and ran away.

"Good job, Bluebell," said Yuni appeared from the dark.

"Yuni-chan," exclaimed Bluebell before hugged Yuni.

"Let's go back home. I'm sure that was enough lessons for them tonight," said Yuni.



"Where are you going, Tsuna-sama?" asked the head butler when he saw Tsuna was done packing his bags.

"Eh, isn't today the last day we're here?" asked Tsuna back in confusion.

"Well, most of your classmate was down with fever. So Reborn-san told me to tell you that you all probably leave tomorrow," said the head butler.

"Oh, ok then. Now, where are they?" asked Tsuna.

"In the medical room," said the head butler. Tsuna nodded and head towards the medical room.

Once he opened the medical room, his eyes almost popped out from his socket when he saw almost his classmates was lying there. Once they all noticed Tsuna was there, they got up from their bed and grabbed Tsuna.

"Forgive us, Tsuna. We promised we never bully you again but please let us go out from here alive. We don't want to die," cried the classmates.

"What're you guys talking about?" asked Tsuna in confusion. Then, his intuition kicked in. They are so gonna get a punishment.

His aura around him changed that cause the classmates distancing themselves from him. They just hope they didn't push a trigger of Tsuna's personality that they didn't know about.


A/N: i'm sorry that's kinda short... but i'm trying my best... about ghost, i decided to use him eventhough in the anime he was dead, sucking by Tsuna. and about his conversation, i decided to make him a child-like man so i hope you like it... don't forget to comment

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