chapter 2

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Chapter 2

khr dont belong to me

p/s: this is what my head can think of right now...hope you're satisfied with it...

"Your class, 2-A has been selected to go on a trip to Italy next week. And it is free of charge. Everything will be take care by my friend," said Reborn causing the class to roar in happiness.

"Now let's get to the preparation. First, you have to hand out your ID for me to take care of your passport. Second..." now his original spot is empty. The student are dumbfound when they see the small teacher, gone missing in a split second. Some of the students saw a blur of brown head crossing in front of the talking teacher before he is gone.


"How dare you interrupt my speech, Dame-Tsuna?" said Reborn, pointing the gun to Tsuna. He glared at Tsuna. Tsuna for once, didn't freak out.

"Why are you doing this, Reborn?" yells Tsuna, trying to make Reborn see his point in this matter.

"Well, don't look at me. It is all Nono's idea," said Reborn.

"No. I don't believe you. It is probably one of your schemes. I don't believe Grandpa would do something like this. He is kind," said Tsuna trying to be serious but typical Reborn, he just ignores Tsuna.

"It is up to you whether to believe me or not," said Reborn start to walk to Tsuna's classroom once again. When he sense that Tsuna didn't follows him, he smirk thinking of Tsuna's last word.

'Idiot Tsuna, you just sees Nono's mask all this time. If you knew the true him, he is more sadistic than I am,"


"Now, where were we? Oh, you will be staying there for 3 days 2 nights at my friend's mansion. He wants to know you all better. Make sure you bringing appropriate attire cause you gonna have fun staying there" said Reborn, eyeing every single one of Tsuna's classmate. Every single one of them will get the punishment for punishing his sweet Dame- Tsuna.


The best friend trio currently on their way heads home. Reborn didn't tag along because he needs to discuss something with certain prefect. Tsuna unusually quiet that day. Gokudera and Yamamoto both feel uneasy with Tsuna's silence today.

"What's wrong, Juudaime? You're unusually quiet today," asks Gokudera worriedly.

"Ah, I'm sorry Gokudera-kun. I'm just thinking about the class trip," said Tsuna.

"What's about it, Tsuna? We're gonna have a vacation," Yamamoto pats Tsuna's shoulder.

"Well, I don't want anyone to know about that Family," said Tsuna slowly.

"Don't worry Tsuna. It gonna be fun," said both Yamamoto and Gokudera. Deep inside their heart 'It gonna be fun for us, of course,'


"Now, I gonna collect your ID for Reboyama-sensei to make your passport," said the class rep while going from table to table to collect the ID card of the classmate.

"Give me yours, Dame-Tsuna," said the class rep harshly. His face didn't show kindness on it.

"A-ano, I already have my passport," said Tsuna timidly. Suddenly one of his bullies rose up from his chair.

"What? Dame-Tsuna already has a passport. Have someone useless as you ever travel outside from Namimori or even worse under your mother's armpit. Because the world didn't want a useless boy like you," insult the bully. Now, the temperature of the classroom has drop drastically because of certain guardians' anger. Some of the classmates could feel the chill. Kyoko, also feeling angry, rise up to argue with that worst bully.

"Well, of course Tsuna-kun has one. His father is an Italian, so sometimes he travels to see him," argue Kyoko. The bully silenced for a while before he smirk playfully.

"Oh, so Dame-Tsuna also has a father? I thought he just UNWANTED child that his mother picks from the street," insult the bully more or his real name Kei Kiramashi.

"Oi, that's just harsh," argue Hana, glaring at Kei.

Reborn brokes the walkie talkie that connected to hidden microphone he hides at the class, in pieces when he hears the insult Kei throws to Tsuna. No one is allowed to insult Tsuna except Reborn. Oh, Kei just passing the safe line. He really gonna get it as soon as the trip starts.

Suddenly, another walkie talkie connected to the guardians receiving message from another end. He picks up and brings it near to his ear.

"I don't care what you're going to say, kid, but I want to beat that Kei right now until his own mother couldn't recognize her own son," said Yamamoto in anger. Wow, that's the first time he heard Yamamoto's new tone.

"Well, wait. Let him enjoy for a moment. As soon as the trips start, he wouldn't get a free chance like this ever again. As soon as the trips start, his corpse is the one will be send home after 3 days," said Reborn and he gets a replied of a dark chuckle from another end.


Nono currently orders his subordinate to go find stuff for the preparation to celebrate Tsuna and his classmate's arrival. They're gonna get the right punishment for what they have done to Tsuna. He gonna turns this fun class trip to one of hell class trip that the bullies ever experience.

"The kind Nono is no more," whisper the maid to her friends.

In the vongola ring...

"Whoa, who knows Nono could become scary like that, right Giotto?" ask G, looking at Giotto. The other guardians also turns to look at their boss when he giving no answer.

Then, they see Giotto squatting while holding his chuckles. It is not a happy chuckles, it was more a scary one. The dark aura surrounding him causes the guardians to flinch a bit. Well, even though Giotto is one of composed man, when he is in bad mood, he could become scarier than the demon itself.

"Good job, Nono. They will sure get their punishment. How dare bully my cute sweet grandson," said Giotto darkly that cause the guardians to back away a little. Now, they fears what are going to happen to the poor classmate because Kuro-Giotto* is emerged once again from his deep sleep.

p/s: i currently don't have any idea what the punishment are.. i was thinking one punishment every day and right now, i could only think of haunted house... can you help me, giving me idea what the punishment is?

*Kuro-Giotto= black Giotto

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