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disclaimer: khr don't belong to me...

warning: grammar mistake, typo(s), wrong use of words,etc

Note: cloudycraic -san and Vansofthewall1997 -san you requested for me to make an angry tsuna story... so I decided to make this chapter according to your request... I do hope you enjoy it ^_^


His aura around him changed that cause the classmates distancing themselves from him. They just hope they didn't push a trigger of Tsuna's personality that they didn't know about.

"Christine," called Tsuna in serious voice. a maid quickly rushing in.

"Yes, Tsuna-sama?"

"I want you to gather my guardians, Reborn, Xanxus, Squalo at the living room immediately," ordered Tsuna, furiously heading out from the medical room. The maid paled in fright, quickly done what Tsuna has ordered her to.

Few minutes later...

Reborn, Tsuna's guardians, Xanxus and Squalo were currently battling with their inner self. Too bad they didn't shut the student's mouth. Now, they got themselves into trouble.

Slowly, Reborn opened the door and stepped inside, followed by others. There they see Tsuna sitting on a single sofa while crossing his legs.

"I been waiting for you," said Tsuna, smiling at them. But, they all know too well that that smile isn't his usual smile.

"S-sorry we're late, Judaime," stuttered Gokudera in fear. Although Tsuna was smiling at that moment, the air around him sends them chills.

"It's fine. In fact, I didn't give any time limits," said Tsuna, uncrossed his legs. Slowly, he stood up and slowly approached them. Because of fear, they stand still.

"Say again, Reborn. Why did you plan this whole class trip?" asked Tsuna, stopped a few feet in front of them.

"T-to show Italy to you guys," stuttered Reborn, trying his best to cover his fears.

"I see," said Tsuna, smiling even more sweetly than before.

"But, you know I hated lies," said Tsuna, taking a step forward. At the same moment, the guardians, Reborn, Xanxus and Squalo take a step backwards.

"You do know what is the punishment for those who lied to me, right?" said Tsuna, taking another step. Everytime he take a step forward, they will take another step backwards.

"We didn't lie to you," said Yamamoto. They find no way out, when their back touched the wall. Now, they see a dangerous smile appeared on Tsuna's face.

"You obviously know that I hate people lied to me," said Tsuna, closing up the gap. They paled in fright and holding on their breath because of the sudden chilling air.

"Let me show you what I'll do once I found out I been fooled by some lie," said Tsuna darkly, instantly his eye color changed to the orange ones. Now, they could only hope that Tsuna still have some mercy in his heart, not ending their lives at this moment.

(A/N: 'Punishment time'- It was too gruesome for me to write and for the minors to read so I leaving it to your creative imagination)


Tsuna opened the living room door with a satisfied smile. He walked out the door while dusting his hand off. He continued to walk to his bedroom to get a rest after his workout.

Feeling worried for Tsuna's victim inside, head butler with a few maids rushed inside. They could only gasped in horror when the saw the bloody human pile made from the guardians, Reborn, Xanxus and Squalo.

"Judaime gotten strong, I'm so proud of you,"

"Sawada's punch is EXTREME as ever,"

"Hahaha, I thought we gonna die today,"

"I need to fight that carnivore, next time,"

"Kufufu, you interested me, Tsunayoshi,"

"Voii, he had gained my respect now,"

"I thought him well,"

"Ughh, my back. I'm gonna killed that Trash,"

The moment they were escorted to the medical room, the classmates could only gaped in horror when they looked at the injury Tsuna done to the guardians, Reborn, Xanxus and Squalo. Now, they're sure didn't want to get on Tsuna's bad side anymore.



"Let go of him, Byakuran-sama. You have to get your work done today," said Kikiyo, struggling to get Byakuran letting go of Tsuna from his bone-crushing hug.

"No, I couldn't bear to stay away from Tsu-chan. Why did you have to leave so soon?" said Byakuran, tightening his hug. Tsuna's face almost turned blue because lack of air. Finally, it took both Kikyo and Zakuro to pry Byakuran off Tsuna. Both of them struggled to bring Byakuran back to his car without drawing other people attention. That is because Byakuran continued to cry for Tsuna's name until the car drove off.

"He acted more like a kid each passing days," said Reborn, holding his hand's cast.

"Tsuna-kun," called Timoteo. Tsuna turned and looked at him. Timoteo handed an envelope toward Tsuna. Tsuna looked at it in question.

"Give this to your Mom. Don't opened it, okay?" said Timoteo, smiling at Tsuna.

"Alright, Grandpa," said Tsuna, circling his hand around Timoteo's neck. Their bonding time was cut when they heard the gasp of the classmates.

"This old man is your grandpa, Sawada?" asked all of them in unison.

"Eh, I haven't told you?" asked Tsuna innocently. They responded by shaking their head in denial.

"Tsuna here is my grandson and my successor," said Timoteo.

The answer that Timoteo just give to them didn't enough to break them off from their fear. If Tsuna's grandfather is a mafia boss and Tsuna is his successor, does that mean Tsuna is gonna be a future boss of the Mafia. And for all this time, they been bullied him for who knows how long.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna killed you or sell your organ," said Timoteo, assuring the frightened classmates. Timoteo looked at Tsuna who approached his guardians.

"Well we won't do it if you promised you won't do any harm to him anymore. If you do it, we would consider it as an attempt to harm the successor and the punishment, I must tell you is not a light punishment," said Timoteo, still maintaining his smile. But, they know he threatened them while maintaining his so-called gentle grandfather personality.

Fearing for their live to be taken away from them, they made a promise to never done any harm to Tsuna anymore.


A/N: this is the end... after all the hardship and struggle i finally able to complete this story... first of all, before I do the closing, I'm so sorry if this story didn't meet your expectation because i'm really not good at this kind of story... second, thank you for all your votes and views... arigatou gozaimasu... third, thank you for Ellene_Dea27 -san for requesting me to make this story... and to those who comment, votes, view I really appreciated it... thank you soo much... I love you guys...

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