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The students grabbed their stomach. It was still painful. For a whole night, they didn't asleep. They keep going back and forth toward the toilet.

"Students," announced Reborn.

"Yes, Reborn-sensei?" groaned the students in pain.

"Beside me here is a professional doctor. He will give your medicine for your stomachache," said Reborn as he introduced Verde to them.

Verde and Reborn smirked. They had prepared everything. They only need the participants to get their plans to work who are the students.


"Tsuna-kun, come on. Wake up, wake up, wake up," said Kyoko shook Tsuna's body.

"Kyoko-chan, I'm sorry. I can't move. I'm full," said Tsuna, sleepily before he burped once again.

"What's happened to you, Boss?" asked Chrome in worry. She placed her hands on Tsuna's forehead to see if he had a fever but he didn't.

"Yesterday, I ate too much," said Tsuna, "Ugh, my stomach gonna burst," groaned Tsuna while holding his stomach.

"What did you eat, Sawada?" asked Hana, looking at the brunette's face started to turn green.

"Cakes," just after Tsuna said that, he rushed to the bathroom to vomit out his stomach content.

"I guess we just stay in this room today," said Kyoko in worry. Both Chrome and Hana nodded.


"Where are we going next, Reborn-sensei?" said one of the boys in excitement. Of course, he is happy because his stomachache was healed when he take a pill from the scientist.

"We're not going anywhere. We're gonna have special training today," said Reborn. Just after that, Reborn guided them to the empty field which is beside the mansion.

Suddenly, they're all startled with a gasp of horror. They turned around and saw the scientist earlier looked at the empty jar in horror. While on his other hand, he holds another jar.

"Crap, Reborn. I just gave them the wrong medicine. It was a pill of deathly cancer that I developed," said Verde, couldn't hide his amusement.

"WHAT??!!" exclaimed the students in surprise. Reborn and the guardians tried their best to hold their laugh. To act serious, he grabbed the empty jars on Verde's hand and read the description.

"Wao, it is deathly one you created there, buddy," said Reborn, playfully punched Verde's shoulder.

"Please be serious. Our life at stake here," shouted the girls in anger. Reborn looked at the students.

'I don't ever care about it,' thought Reborn and the guardians in unison.

"Let's see what's the description wrote here," said Reborn as he read the description.

"Wao, all deathly cancer was gathered and combined to create this one pill," smiled Reborn. Verde only chuckled. "Who you really want to kill, Verde?" laughed Reborn.

"Them?" said Verde, looked at the students. The students flinched in fright.

"Nice joke. Hmm, what's more? The consumer will die after two hours consuming it," said Reborn. Some of the students already faint in surprise.

Long 'Fun' Class Trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now