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"Wow, look everyone. There is a waterpark inside this amusement park," said one of the girls, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

"Let's get in," cheered another girl, quickly go to search for a changing room. Once they found it, they immediately changed into their swimsuit/bikini. The older man only drooled looking at their voluptuous body. Seeing the expensive item some of the men wearing, they started their flirting.

"Vooiii, get in the pool if you really want to play. Don't be a bitch and flirt with those men," shouted Squalo, scowling at the girl.

"Oi, that's harsh words you got there," shouted one of the men. The other men could only sweatdropped watching that man idiocy. He didn't know who he dealing with.

"Huh?" threatened Squalo glaring at that man.

'If you dare to interrupt furthermore, I'll kill you,' somehow he given hidden message through his glare to that man. That man can only shudders in fear.

"Idiot!" another man knocked the man on the head.

"What was that for?" shouted that man in anger while rubbing his sore head.

"Didn't you know him? He is one of the Varia's, Vongola's independent assassin," said another man in Italian only caused the girl to look at them confusedly. Hearing the Varia and Vongola name caused that man to pale in fear, he quickly bowed in apology before running away.

"You better followed Squ-chan order, girls," said Lussuria, getting himself on the water bouy. The girl grunted in annoyance before getting in the pool.

Squalo giving an eye signal to Lussuria to make that second plan to work. Lussuria nodded before getting close to the girls.

"Kyaa, what're you doing?" shouted the girls in surprise when they realize Lussuria who was behind them.

"Hahaha, nothing," Lussuria patted on his shoulder and then he moved back to his bouy. Unbeknownst to the girl, he just giving off a scent that will attract a predator that will soon appears.


"Futa, join Lambo," said Lambo keep pushing on the button that seemed to increase certain coaster speed.

"But, if Tsuna-nii find out, he gonna be mad," said Futa in fear.

"Join me, Futa," plead Lambo. Futa sighed before move closer to the control panel, looking at various buttons he never knows what the use for.

"Which button do you want me to push?"

"Why don't we try the button that has fish printed on it?"

"What'll it do?"

"Don't know. It is probably will cause the rain of fish came out and fed to penguin and seal," said Lambo. With that in mind, Futa pushed down the button. In his mind, he could imagined a lot of penguin dancing while celebrating that there will be a lot of fish to be eat.

But, little did they know that how wrong they were.



Long 'Fun' Class Trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now