Chapter 6

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Elizabeth knew what she had to do. Did she like the idea? No. Was she going to get in trouble? Yes. Was she going to do it anyway? Yes.

Going after a burned one on your own is a very stupid idea and it's something Elizabeth Marie Silva never thought she'd be doing but she has no choice.

Being a chaos fairy has many perks. One of which being she can sense things that are supernatural. At first she couldn't sense it, so she had to rely on her gut feeling, hoping it's right.

She passed the stone circle and saw Sky and Bloom having a conversation. Initially she planned on sneaking past them but she got caught.

"Beth what are you doing? I thought you were with your dad." The specialist asked with a feeling he knew exactly what she was doing. After all he was doing the same thing.

"I don't know about you Sky, but I'm not letting my dad die." She said, her voice trembling threatening to break.

"Lead the way love." He pointed his sword in the direction of the barrier as the fire fairy spoke up.

"I think I can feel it. Come on it's this way." Bloom stated pointing in the same direction. Just like that the blondes ran off leaving Bloom behind.

So let out a sigh and followed behind them trying to catch up. Thankfully soon after Elizabeth crossed the barrier she could sense the creature. The blonde fairy kept running and wouldn't stop until she saw the thing.

The burned one hadn't noticed her yet. That much she knew, but she didn't know how long she would have before it did so she did the only thing she could think of. Attack it.

Elizabeth knew this was a shit idea. She knew so many things could go wrong but she simply didn't care. She prayed silently in hopes that everything will be OK.

Staying where she was stood her eyes flashed their blue colour as she raised her hands, a blue mist surrounding them. The blonde thrusted her hands into the sky, the blue mist enveloping the burned one as it shot up into the sky too.

The creature let out a screech as it began clawing at the air trying to be released. The blonde merely smirked at it before throwing her hands to the side causing the burned one to go flying into a tree. Once it got up from the floor, it saw the young fairy and charged towards her letting out some form of battle cry.

The blonde laughed as she raised her hands again forming an X shape with her arms, creating a shield of blue mist separating her and the burned one.

Right as the creature collided with the shield Sky and Bloom arrived and the red haired fairy looked at the girl in awe. Her eyes were an electric blue her hands encased in a mist of the same shade.

The pair watched as Elizabeth threw her hands forward sending the burned one to the ground. Snapping out of it, Sky took this as his chance to strike. He darted to the burned one sword raised letting out a cry as he sent the sword through the burned one before pulling it out.

Unsurprisingly it got back up. Sky and Elizabeth made their way to each other and began fighting along side the other. Him with his sword and her with her magic. Neither had noticed they had an audience.

The fairies from the Winx Suite were watching the blondes in amazement as they had never seen anything like thay before. Stella smirked seeing her best friend fight. Bloom had made her way over to the girls at somepoint also watching the fight.

Elizabeth threw the final blow, bringing her hands together clouded with the mist and pulling them apart. She had struggled as what she was doing was trying to rip the creature apart and it was working. Letting out a cry of her own her hands broke apart into the air as the burned one exploded. A wave of blue coming from it as it died.

"Well that was quite a show." Came a voice from behind. The seven teenagers turned around to see Farrah Dowling beind them with a proud look on her face.

"Miss Dowling... I can explain." The blonde girl began only to be shushed by the older woman.

"No need dear, I understand now come on time to head back. We'll discuss this another time." She stated, heading back to the school the teenagers close behind her.

Once they had arrived, Farrah had told the fairies to wait by the stairs while Elizabeth and Sky went to see Silva. Farrah scolded the girls on their foolish behaviour. She wouldn't need to scold Sky and Elizabeth seeing as Saul would do that part.

The sound of the door opening caused Saul to look up. He saw the children he raised, his children covered in dirt and sweat but unharmed. He let out a sigh of relief before addressing them.

"You are stupid. Both of you. What if you got hurt sweetheart? I've already lost your mum, I can't lose you too." The man scolded.

"Yeah we know trust me, are you ok?" The blonde girl asks. Saul doesn't answer her so Sky speaks up.

"Is he ok?" The blue eyed boy asks looking at Professor Harvey. The botanist smiles at the two teens as Saul rolls his eyes.

"No don't smile at them Ben they're in trouble." He scolds his friend.

He didn't have time to continue his scolding as his daughter had flung herself into his arms holding on to him for dear life. He held her back just as tightly and placed a gentle kiss to her hairline before removing one arm and holding it out to Sky. The boy smiled and ran into the man who now found himself being held tightly by his children. Silva couldn't help but wonder when the two planned on getting together. Something about them reminded him of himself and Laura- Elizabeth's mother when they were their age.

"Your father would be proud Sky and so would your mother Eliza." He told them softly pressing a soft kiss to the crown of both their heads. His children saved his life.

Eventually, the three pulled away as Saul looked the two over making sure they were ok.

"You should have seen Beth out there she was great. She killed it practically by herself. It was so cool, she kept throwing it around like a rag doll." The blue eyed boy gushed informing the girls father about her magical abilities.

The man looked to his little girl who had her head down a light pink coated her cheeks. The elder Silva took a step forward towards his daughter and picked her head up with his hand so she was looking him in the eyes.

"Well done sweetheart." He said bringing the blonde fairy into another hug. He buried his face in her hair and for a second he thought he was wrapped in Laura's arms. "I'm so proud of you." He mumbled into her hair.

The father-daughter duo pulled back and the elder could see the tears in her eyes beginning to spill down her cheeks. He placed his hands on her cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe them away like he always used to do when she was younger.

The two teenagers where then told to go to bed, so reluctantly they bid goodnight to Saul and set off to Sky's room. There was no way Sky was letting the girl out of his sight for the night.

When they arrived, Riven was sat on his bed his head in his hands which were rested on his knees. The sound of the door closing alerted him to their return.

The taller brunette sprung off the bed and pulled the girl out of his roommates arms and picked her up holding her tight. When he was told what had happened via Stella, he was worried for the girl. She had never used so much magic before so he was worried that something would happen like when she passed out the other week.

"I am so glad you're both ok. Honestly when I was told what you were doing it scared the shit out of me." The brunette exclaimed pulling away from the girl.

"Would you look at that, Riven cares about us." The chaos fairy muses aloud.

"Sorry. I'll go back to being a prick them shall I?" He asked sarcastically. While Riven was a prick he was generally nice to the blonde fairy. He saw her as his sister as she saw him as her brother.

Eventually the three settled and got ready for bed. Riven in his own with Elizabeth and Sky in the latters. Once again Sky held the girl close as her head rested on his chest an arm draped over him.

The sound of his heart lulled her to sleep. The blonde fairy welcomed the much needed sleep.

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