Chapter 13

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When Lizzie woke up she was greeted by Sebastian. "Oh good you're awake. I was beginning to think you had died." He said.

"Where the fuck is Sky?" She seethed.

Sebastian looked up at the balcony and Lizzie followed his eyes. She saw Sky tied to the balcony with vines unconscious.

Her eyes flickered blue as she let out a scream freeing her from the chair. She stomped over to Sebastian and raised her hands.

"I would do that if I was you. If you try anything your oh so precious Sky falls to his death." The blood witch laughed.

For this first time in her life, Lizzie felt helpless. All she could do was stare and cry.

That's what Bloom walked into. She saw Lizzie and ran to her hugging her. When she didn't respond, the fire fairy followed her eyes and her hand flew to her mouth.

"Now Bloomie here's what's gonna happen, you two will give up the dragon flame and chaos magic." He starts pulling out the convergence crystal. "If you do, Sky up there lives. If you don't, well he dies. See how this works?"

"And why should we do that. Why shouldn't we just kill you?" Bloom asks seething.

Sebastian looks at the two teenagers. "The thing is Bloom, Lizzie you don't know everything yet." He says calmly

"Well why don't you tell us then?" Lizzie suggests.

"I think I will. Let's start with.... Bloom. You know about the war 1000 years ago and the dragon flame right?" He asks.

The fire fairy just glares at him.

"I'll take that as a no. Well the real reason you have the dragon flame is because you were born 1000 years ago. You see your mother had it and a whole lot of people died and not to mention she created the burned ones. It was an accident of course but my point is the dragon flame is dangerous. So she opened a portal to the realm of darkness, the same portal I opened in the basement, and went in to protect the world from her. But before she did that, she placed you in stasis to protect you. You mum knew how dangerous the dragon flame was and you weren't safe. She did that to protect you. It's a real shame it didn't work isn't it?" He explained carefully.

Bloom shook her head at the manher glare only getting worse. If looks could kill Sebastian would be dead.

The blood witch then looked at Lizzie with a grin.

"And you Lizzie, oh you are incredible. Did you know that when you were born your mother lost her magic?" He questioned.

"You're just a liar." She said coldly.

Once more he laughed. "Come on think about it. Have you ever seen her do magic?"

She hadn't. Over the past year she had never once seen her mother use magic.

"Now that is because when a chaos fairy is born, she takes the magic of her mother and in your case the magic from the first chaos fairy, Annakamara."

"What happened to her?" She asked.

"I'm glad you asked. You see the thing is the portal didn't shut when Bloomies mum went through so Annakamara had to close it. Unfortunately for her, it killed her. Closing that portal used all of her magic." Sebastian explained.

Lizzie paused. What was she supposed to say to that?

"That's why the scrapers didn't work on you. You have too much magic that just keeps building up and one day it'll kill you. I like you Lizzie a lot actually and I'd prefer it if you stayed alive so just give me your magic." He stated simply.

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