Chapter 14

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Whilst she was running through the halls to the basement, Lizzie couldn't process any of her thoughts. All she could hear was the little voice in the back of her head telling her to save them.

Save them like she could have saved her Aunt Farrah.

Like she could have saved Andreas.

Like she could have saved Beatrix.

Like she could have saved Sky.

She couldn't save them but she could save Bloom.

It felt like hours before she reached the portal. It was like a black hole in the middle of the room, sucking all the light out.

She didn't know how to close it so she summoned her mist and sent it full force into the portal.

Slowly it shrunk until it was the size of a tennis ball. Lizzie could feel her magic draining but she couldn't stop.

She carried on until the portal had closed in on itself.

The blonde fell to the ground and pulled herself up against the wall.

She had used too much magic and now she was paying the price. That price being her life.

She laughed remembering the times she had told people it would take more than a bit of magic to kill her and that's what was happening.

Lizzie laughed until she cried. She cried for her parents who were losing their daughter.

She cried for her sisters who had lost not one but two of them leaving the once four down to two.

She cried for Bloom who would lose both of her lovers in one day.

And she cried for herself. For the life she never got. The life she should have got.

When you're dying your perception of the world changes. Time slows down so seconds feel like hours. The colours are brighter and the sounds are louder until they're not.

This was not what she expected. She expected pain but there wasn't any. She just felt numb which was better than pain she supposed.

Sitting there against the wall, Lizzie slowly lost the feeling in her limbs as her skin paled. She could feel her breathing get worse.

And she was glad she was alone.

She didn't want the people she loves, her family see her like this. They had seen enough death and she didn't want to add hers to the list.

The first thing Saul had noticed when he walked in wasn't Bloom cradling Sky. It wasn't Beatrix's body or the exhausted fairies. It was the last of his daughters presence.

Something felt wrong. He didn't know what but it did. And Laura felt it too. They all did.

"Where's Lizzie?" Riven asked worried voicing the older man's thoughts.

Everyone looked around panicked by her lack of being there. Everyone ran and screamed her name praying for a response.

"One minute she was here and the next she wasn't." Stella muttered.

The realisation hit Bloom like a truck. "Oh my god." She cried.

The fire fairy jumped up and ran. She ran as fast as she could ignoring everyone screaming her name.

She ran when her lungs felt like they were on fire and she didn't dare to stop.

Sky wasn't too far being when he felt a searing pain in his chest. Screaming he fell to the ground stopping everyone. They crowded him asking him what was wrong.

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