Chapter 14

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While Bloom and the rest of the winx suite went to the first world for the weekend to visit Blooms parents to explain, Elizabeth was stuck at Alfea. She wasn't aloud to leave yet in case something happened. It had been a few days since she had transformed so her wound was still quite fresh.

The blonde spent most of her time with either Sky or Silva. Surprisingly, Riven was no where to be seen since that night.

Currently the fairy was with both Sky and Silva, in front of the college when Solarian cars come into the driveway. This had worried the girl since her father had told them the threat was over. Sky had voiced her worries having them himself.

"Why are they here? I thought you told them the threat was over." The younger specialist asked.

Saul just shrugged unsure of why they were here. As Queen Luna exited her car, the man held onto his daughter tighter. The three greeted the Queen as she looked at them like they were dirt under her shoe.

"With great regret I must say that you Saul Silva are under arrest." The Queen announced.

With that Elizabeth stood protectively infront of her father almost challenging the woman in front of them. Sky, being the most level headed out of the teenagers spoke up.

"Under arrest. For what?" He questioned. He racked his mind for any reason for them to arrest his father figure and he had come up blank.

The Queen merely smirked before opening her mouth. "For the attempted murder of Andreas of Eraklyon." She replied coldly.

The three stood there in confusion. What did she mean attempted? Andreas was dead wasn't he? Saul had thought.

Then a car door had opened and a man the teenagers had only seen in photos stepped out the car.

"Dad?" Sky questioned. Elizabeth intertwined their hands and squeezed his in reassurance as Saul was ripped away from them by the guards.

She went to protest but the man sent her a pleading look not to get involved. There before them stood Andreas of Eraklyon.

"Now before you take him away shouldn't we let him see who else is here?" The not so dead man asked. The Queen nodded before one of the guards opened another car door.

None of them had expected who was going to come out. The first thing they saw was the blonde hair. Saul sucked in a breath. He knew who the woman was.

The mysterious woman had closed the door and reluctantly stood by Andreas. The three looked at the woman in shock their jaws dropped. This time it was Sky who squeezed Elizabeth's hand like she had done moments before.

"Laura." The oldest Silva breathed.

Elizabeth's eyes darted between her father and the woman- her mother rapidly. Yes Rosalind had said she was alive but she didn't believe her.

The young blonde had spaced out trying to comprehend what had just happened. She only snapped back when she heard her father yelling for his wife as he was restrained and arrested.

Not being able to take it anymore, the chaos fairy ran. She didn't know where she was running to only that she was running.

She ended up at her tree.

Elizabeth leaned against the tree in support as she tried to calm down. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't. Her father had been arrested and her mother was alive.

Collapsing to the floor, the chaos fairy cried. In that moment everything was too much and she wanted the one thing she couldn't have.

Her dad.

Sky had ran after the blonde girl moments later. He knew where she would be going and decided to wait a few minutes before approaching. The boy watched from a distance as the girl he loved sobbed.

Despite knowing her his whole life, he hadn't seen her cry many times. Elizabeth preferred to bottle her emotions up.

The specialist walked over to his girl and sat next to her. When she hadn't acknowledged him, he knew she must have been wrapped up in her own head and hadn't noticed him.

Gently, he pulled the girl into his chest as she cried letting her tears stain his shirt. He didn't care. He just wanted to be there for her so she wasn't alone.

The couple sat there for hours until Lizzie had fallen asleep. Sky didn't want to wake her so instead he picked her up and carried her to his room making sure not to wake the sleeping girl.

On the way there he bumped into Laura, her absent mother just outside the door. "Sky please is she ok?" The older blonde asked. Sky looked at the woman and noticed the similarities between the mother and daughter.

"Not in the slightest." He replied, looking down at the girl sadly.

Laura looked at her daughter sleeping peacefully in the boys arms. She thought about all the things she had missed because of Rosalind. The woman couldn't help but smile sadly at her daughter silently wishing she could've helped raise her.

The mother took a few steps closer to the pair before brushing the hair out of Lizzies face. She noticed how the girl leaned into her touch. Pressing a small kiss to her head she put a hand on Sky's shoulder.

"Thank you." She said before turning around and going back the way she came.

Sky watched the woman's back until she turned the corner before he adjusted his grip on the girl and opened the door.

Silently he placed her on his bed pulling the covers over her as he sat on the side of the bed beside her.

The blond began to think about what happened hours earlier. Saul, the man who had raised him, the man he had classed as his father was arrested. Andreas, his birth father who he thought had died, was alive and back. Elizabeth, the girl he loved had lost her father but gained her mother.

When Elizabeth had woken up the next day, she stayed in Sky's room and avoided her mother. She just wasn't ready to face her yet. She was still trying to get over the fact her dad was gone.

The girl knew Alfea was changing and she didn't like it one bit. There was still a familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach. And for once this feeling scared her.

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