Chapter 2

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Today had been eventful for Lizzie. It started off normally but soon things were hectic. They executed the plan of breaking out Saul and it went well.

The blonde got to mess with Andreas which she found hilarious. Unfortunately, Stella had bailed on them.

Now Lizzie was waiting for her dad to show up at the river bank. The girls had to go down stream so they wouldn't be seen which meant Saul had a lot of swimming to do.

Nervously, the blonde paced back and forth as she waited for her father. Bloom had noticed her girls anxiety and pulled her into her arms, holding her gently. Placing a kiss on her head, the fire fairy whispered sweet nothings into her ear in hopes of calming her down.

Everyone was silent. The girls watched as Lizzie paced and panicked and was held by Bloom. They couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl.

Some time later Lizzie heard a splashing in the water. Her eyes darted to the area where she sawa figure swimming towards them. Tearing away from Bloom, the brunette ran to the river bank and even took a few paces into the water to meet her dad.

She wrapped her arms around him as soon as he was in reach. For a moment Saul panicked wondering who had hold of him bit soon relaxed as he realised they were his daughters arms.

The man still couldn't belive this was actually happening. He was half convinced it was all a dream and he'd wake up any minute. Hesitantly, he carefully wrapped his arms around the girl and held her close to his chest.

10 months. That's how long it had been since he held her. Since he saw her. 10 months. And they were the hardest 10 months of his life.

"I love you dad." She muttered, her head buried into his neck. Saul let out a small laugh, running his hands through her hair. "I love you too sweetheart." He said still playing with her hair.

The other fairies watch with small smiles as the father-daugther duo reunite. Watching the real, raw emotions made them realise just how broken Lizzie had been and how he was already putting her back together. She always was a daddy's girl.

The group made their way to Sebastians shop, the man had took Saul in and let him stay there for the time being. The man had showered and shaved and was sat on the couch infront of his daughter. He was looking at her memorising ever little detail.

He noticed she was not the same as she was when he left. She had changed. The changes were subtle.

The father could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't eating enough. She had lost a significant amount of weight which was noticeable because she was quite small to being with. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

He noticed the small cuts and scars littering her arms and face. He could only pray they weren't self inflicted. They weren't. They were a result of her picking fights and specialist training with Andreas. The man went harder on her presumably because she was Sauls daughter.

Despite everything that had changed there was one thing thay hadn't changed. Or maybe they had but he didn't know. Her eyes. Her warm hazel eyes still held the light they always did. Maybe that was because she got him back or maybe she never lost it. The elder Silva wouldn't know.

After settling her father in, Lizzie and Bloom left, heading back to Alfea. They learned that Rosalind had accessed the Royal Archives which to be honest is very bad.

"We need to know what she's planning." Lizzie said as she paced the room. Currently the pair were in Lizzies bedroom trying to figure out their next step.

"How? Ellie we can't just go up to her and say 'Hey Rosalind we know you're planning something so just tell us what it is.' Can we?" Bloom explained. Sighing the blonde nods knowing they can't do that.

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