Chapter 11

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The next day, the two girls had explained what had happened and Saul gives Bloom the same bracelets that Beatrix had to wear to contain her magic.

"How does it feel firecracker?" Lizzie asked, not wanting her to be in pain. If she was, she'd fix it.

"It's a little uncomfortable but bareable." The ginger replied. She wouldn't tell Lizzie that it hurt because she didn't know what the chaos fairy would do.

Just then the TV turned on and Queen Luna appeared on the screen.

"What does the bitch want now?" Lizzie asks rhetorically. Sky elbowed her in the ribs telling her to shut up so they could find out.

"People of Solaria. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that Rosalind Hale, headmistress of Alfea has died." The Queen started.

"That's good news. Why aren't we celebrating?" Lizzie asks with a pout.

"Maybe because my mother was up her ass?" Stella mused.

"Girls be quiet and listen." Laura scolded. Both fairies muttered an apology and watched the screen.

"The blood witches have declared was upon us. No need to worry as I have already sent some troops to find and deal with them."

Laura scoffs shaking her head, knowing the blood witches weren't responsible and now she had declared war on them.

The Queen says some more rubbish and the screen shuts off.

"She's on her way here isn't she?" Lizzie asks. Saul nods, pressing his lips onto a thin line.

Now Lizzie had a plan. If the Queen tried to do anything to Bloom, she'd step in and take the blame.

Sky takes a seething Lizzie to his dorm to try and calm her down. Moments after they left Queen Luna arrived.

"Bloom Peters you are under arrest for the murder of Rosalind Hale." And with that Bloom was lead out of the room and taken to the headmistresses office.

"Should we tell Sky and Lizzie?" Flora asks.

Terra shakes her head. "Let's not. Not yet anyway. Lizzie would flip and probably kill the queen."

"Well in that case let her." Stella mumbles.

They stand around and think of a way to get Bloom out of this. "Isn't Bloom entitled to a lawyer?" Laura asks with a smirk.

A plan was formed. Stella would be her lawyer, Aisha would be her witness. Saul and Laura would keep the two blondes occupied and the others would go to the graveyard and look for their ex-headmistresses body to free Bloom.

It's a good plan. Well it would be if it was that easy bit unfortunately for them, when was anything ever easy?

Lizzie is pacing in Sky's room, plotting a variety of ways to kill the Queen, not that he could blame her, when someone knocked on the door.

"Sky, Lizzie it's just us." Saul announced. Sky opened the door and the parents were greeted with the sight of their daughter pacing muttering different ways to kill the queen and stage it as an accident.

The parents took this as an opportunity to bond with two of their many children. Laura was the one to suggest it seeing as she had a feeling at least one of them would die.

Like Lizzie, Laura also had gut feelings that were very rarely wrong, she just hoped that this time it was.

The four laughed and joked completely unaware of the tribunal that was being held for the fire fairy.

After a hour, Laura got a text from Stella telling her that Bloom and lost and was placed in stasis. She was also told not to tell Sky and especially not Lizzie until they found a way to free her.

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