Chapter 11

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Like planned the pair went to visit Beatrix but they couldn't. They did however bump into Dane who told them to come back the next night and they have.

"What happened to him?" Lizzie asks, referring to the other specialst passed out.

"He's fine it's just a mild sedative he'll  wake up in an hour or so." The first year specialist replied. He then opened the door for the pair as they stepped inside.

Elizabeth was very weary of the girl so she kept her guard up. The first thing the blonde noticed was the cage in the middle of the room.

Beatrix looked up when the door opened and went to the bars seeing Bloom and Elizabeth.

"You took your time." She said. The air fairy looked a mess, she had been imprisoned for days.

"Just be greatful we're here Beatrix." Bloom told her taking a step back from the bars.

Elizabeth watched as Bloom and Beatrix essentially had a staring contest. She grew tired of this quickly and opened her mouth to say something but Bloom beat her to it.

"Did you kill Calum?" She questioned.
At first Elizabeth thought she misheard the ginger but she didn't. When did Beatrix get time to kill someone?

"Straightforward. I like it. Short answer yes." The blonde was not shocked by her answer. There was always something off about Beatrix and now she knew what. The blonde began to wonder if joining Bloom was in fact a good idea. It wasn't but it's too late to change her mind now.

"What's the long answer then?" The blonde asked. She didn't really care all that much but at the same time she needed to know the information.

"He wanted the same thing I do. To free Rosalind. He knew the risks involved and everything would have been for nothing had he been caught so I had to kill him." She explained. Bloom looked at her like she was crazy. She was.

The trio continued their conversation and it ended with Bloom and Elizabeth agreeing to free Beatrix. Again awful idea but Bloom needs answers.

On their way out Dane gave them a book, containing the artifact they need. The duo headed to the stone circle the next day, figuring that it would be the best place place chanel their magic and place it in the object.

Once they reached the stone circle, Bloom opened the book and saw the circular artifact. Carefully, she handed to Elizabeth who inspected it closely.

"Seems simple we just put it here and chanel our magic into it." She said placing the object in the centre of the stone.

The fairies looked at each other in confirmation before they started channelling their magic together. They were just about finished when the chaos fairy felt someone approaching. She told Bloom and the girls hid the artifact.

"What's going on here then ladies?" Sky. Of course it was Sky. Elizabeth didn't know how to feel about that. She'd practically ignored him the past two days.

"Practicing. Ellie offered to help me." Bloom lies. Sky nodded his head before walking to the stone and looking at the book.

"What's this?" He asks. Lizzie tries her best not to laugh. He knew what it was so why did he ask.

"A book. I'd be a bit concerned if you've never seen one before." Bloom joked. Both girls were wondering what Sky wanted.

Sky was glad they were together, saved him having to find them separately. "I was actually looking for you two. I think we should talk." He says.

"Ok, Bloom?" The blonde knew what he wanted to talk about- them. Bloom nodded her head in agreement, clueless about the conversation ahead of them.

"Ok so as you probably know, me and Beth are together. And uhhh this is actually quite hard. Beth you wanna help me out?" Sky was clearly nervous hence handing it over to Elizabeth. The Silva girl nodded before taking a deep breath. She turned to the fire fairy.

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