Chapter 13

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Sky knew the moment he saw her side that it was bad. He knew that the chance of her surviving this wasn't the best so he did the only thing he could.

He stayed with her. After Ben had done his best trying to stabilise the blonde he went back to Sam doing the same.

Bloom was a mess. She felt guilty. Her Ellie might die and it's her fault. She knew she had to make this right. The fire fairy decides that she has to save her the only way she can. She has to kill the burned ones.

Elizabeth was in pain. A lot of pain. That's the first thing she noticed. The overwhelming burning in her body. The next thing she noticed was something in her hand. She knew it was Sky.

The chaos fairy didn't open her eyes. She didn't want to. She didn't want to see the look on his face. If it was anything like she was imagining she couldn't look at him. At any of them.

"Fight it love, fight it and live." He mumbled but she heard it perfectly. He squeezed her hand and she squeezed it back as a sign of reassurance that she was going to fight.

Saul was devastated. He felt guilty even though there was nothing he could have done. He knew he had to tell Sky about Aster Dell but he didn't want to take him away from Elizabeth.

Approaching the pair, Saul tried not to look at his daughter. But he couldn't help it. Seeing her like that it broke him. She had to live. There was so much she hadn't had the chance to do.

"Sky." The blonde turned around. Both men looked at each other and saw neither were ok. How could they be?

"I need to tell you something. I know you don't want to leave her but Ben will shout if something happens." With a nod Sky followed the older man but not without pressing a gentle kiss to the girls lips.

Meanwhile, Bloom, Stella and Aisha had snook out of the courtyard and made their way to the field outside. Bloom had a plan. She would destroy the burned ones and save her Ellie. Aisha had assured her she would use her water if it was needed and Stella promised they'd be there. They all chose to ignore the state of the youngest Silva for now knowing if this worked she would be fine.

What nobody knew was that when Sky had left, Elizabeth opened her eyes. Quickly, she adjusted to the light before she looked at her side. She saw bandages, that were already red. Not good. She thought. Carefully, she lifted herself of the table and took a minute to balance herself. She knew she had to kill the burned ones if she wanted to live and that's what she planned to do.

Using the same way as Bloom, the blonde fairy found her way to the field, stumbling more than she would like. Elizabeth saw Bloom had transformed. Her wings were beautiful. She took a minute to admire the fire fairy before she noticed a burned one sneaking up on her.

Without hesitation, she hobbled forward and willed herself to use her magic. Her eyes turned blue and her hands were encased with her mist. She used it to lift the burned one. It screeched, trying to break free but it couldn't. Bloom noticed this and turned around seeing the comforting blue. She glanced around and noticed the fairy. Walking closer as more burned ones started to hover over the ground. The ginger watched as the injured fairy transformed much like she had.

Elizabeth's wings were an electric blue, that matched her mist. In her opinion, they looked like angel wings. Now Elizabeth was also hovering above the ground, all the remaining burned ones with her. Letting out a scream, a wave of blue made its way from her and outwards towards the burned ones. As soon as it hit them they disintegrated, leaving nothing behind.

The blonde fell to the floor roughly after having used up all her energy. Bloom ran to the fallen girl and placed herself beside her, checking that the older fairy was still alive. She was. The other two had made their presence known and the three of them were surrounding the girl.

Once Saul had told Sky what happened at Aster Dell, the pair made their way back to Elizabeth, well where she should have been. When they saw she wasn't there, fear filled their bodies. They began to look around when a wave of blue passed through the school. At first they were confused until they realised that wasn't just blue that was her blue.

It then struck them what had happened. She had left to destroy the burned ones. Saul left Sky running towards his friend.

"Farrah that was Eliza." He states.

"Yes. I belive it was."

And with that the headmaster and headmistress were leaving the building, looking for the missing fairies. It wasn't hard to find them.

Saul saw his daughter was on the ground, Bloom holding her protectively. "Please be alive. Please be alive." He begged quietly to himself.

The closer he got the more he realised that she was alive. Was she OK? Not in the slightest but she was alive.

"Miss Dowling, Mr Silva somethings wrong with Lizzie." Aisha said.

Farrah looked at the two girls. Both of which looked exhausted. Bloom was sat on the ground with Elizabeth in her arms. Both awake but tired.

"Don't worry Aisha she's fine, they both are. They're just exhausted and very sore. That's what happens when fairies transform for the first time." The woman explained.

Saul looked shocked. Elizabeth had transformed? And he had missed it. He couldn't help but feel pride for his daughter. She had done something that no fairy had done in a long time. Not even Laura could.

"Girls why don't you help them to bed." Silva suggested. With a nod Stella helped Elizabeth get up and walk over to him.

"Hey dad." She said sheepishly.

The father said nothing, he just pulled her into his arms and kissed her head. Is this what it felt like for her when he was infected?

"Are you mad at me?" She asked quietly.
The man let out a small laugh shaking his head.

"Mad? Why would I be mad sweetheart? You did am incredible thing tonight. I am so proud of you and your mother would be too." He told her gently.

By this point, Bloom and Aisha were making their way to the Suite. Elizabeth despite her best efforts was sat in the greenhouse as Ben checked over her and replaced her bandages. Thankfully, she was healing faster than normal but it would still take a while before it was healed completely.

Bloom was sat in bed, the rest of the winx suite sat around her as she was deep in thought. "What's wrong Bloom?" Terra asked.

"I... I think I love them both." The fire fairy replied. The three fairies shared a look and burst out laughing.

"Thank god you figured it out. I figured it out ages ago." Musa laughed.

Bloom started laughing too. "I love them both... fuck."

Stella, Elizabeth and Sky had entered the room to laughter.

"Why are we laughing ladies?" The chaos fairy asks. They girls turned to look at her, they noticed Sky and started laughing even more.

Soon enough, Sky, Bloom and Elizabeth were situated in the latters room. Thankfully, the Silva girl had a really big bed. Sky was in the middle with his girls either side of him, tucked under his arms. Bloom and Elizabeth were holding hands resting them on Sky's stomach. The three were happy in this position. Elizabeth noticed how with both Sky and Bloom there she felt complete and she loved it.

"I'm about to ask the question we've all been dreading... what are we?" Sky asked. The two fairies laughed at the specialist. No they had not said anything but they knew that they were together. None of them knew how it would work yet but they knew it just would.

"Oh Sky, do you need us to mansplain it to you?" Elizabeth asked setting Bloom of into fits of laughter. Sky just pouted in-between his girls already realising how much the two are going to tease him but honestly he wouldn't change it for the world.

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