Chapter 8

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The car ride was better than Elizabeth had expected. Beatrix was mainly talking to Bloom and leaving her out if it which she appreciated.

Bloom went for answers and Elizabeth went for emotional support and to get some answers of her own, not that she knew that part though.

"I thought you said Aster Dell was here." Bloom stated looking at at air fairy suspiciously.

Beatrix nodded her head in a direction but to the other two it looked the same as everything else- empty.

The air fairy used her magic to create a breach in the illusion Queen Luna cast to cover up the war crime.

"This is Aster Dell. Or rather what's left of it." The shorter fairy explained.

Elizabeth being the curious girl she is, decided to walk around the area taking different things in.

Bloom and Beatrix were talking about what happened there and all Elizabeth managed to understand was that her dad, Ben and Farrah killed all the people here while Rosalind was trying to stop them. The chaos fairy had a feeling that what the air fairy said wasn't the whole truth.

Turning to the blonde, Beatrix decided it was time to let the girl know why she was here.

"Don't you want answers too Elizabeth?" She asked.

The blonde looked at the shorter girl with confusion. "Answers? To what?" She asked.

Beatrix smiled at the girl. This is going to be easy. She thought. "About what happened to your mum."

"My mum died in December 2004. So I already know what happened to her thanks." At this point Elizabeth was confused. What happened to my mum? She asked herself.

"Well yes but do you know how she died?" The older girl stayed quiet. She didn't know how her mother died. Her dad didn't tell her that. Beatrix noticed her silence and took this as her opportunity to tell her what really happened to her mother.

"She was kidnapped by the people who lived here because of who she was. Chaos fairies are rare as you know and they're extremely powerful. With the right training they can take down burned ones by themselves. The people were scared of her, they wanted her power so they took her. They wanted you too but you were with your dad so they settled for her. They were going to kill her but before that happened they were all killed. Do you know who killed them? Dowling, Harvey and Silva. All Rosalind wanted was to save your mother. She found me and Bloom. Made sure we were safe before she was imprisoned." The air fairy explained.

Elizabeth didn't know what to feel. Part of her was shocked that her father played a part in her mothers death. Part of her was angry with everyone involved. But a small part of her didn't think that was the full story. She didn't entirely belive Beatrix but her story made sense.

"Why did the people of Aster Dell want her though? What's so special about chaos fairies?" She asked.

"You have the ability to cause chaos, hence the name chaos fairy. You can essentially do anything. Including ending the world as we know it. The people here were afraid of that. I'm sorry about what happened to your mother Elizabeth it wasn't right. But if you help me free Rosalind she can give you more answers and help you in ways Miss Dowling never could." Elizabeth looked closely at the girl and could tell she was being genuine. The young fairy was conflicted.

Bloom was stood there watching the blonde take in all the information. Even the fire fairy didn't know what to say. The girl had been lied to her entire life. Her father held responsibility towards her mothers death and never even told her. Who knows what else they were hiding.

"I... I need time to think." And with that Elizabeth headed over to the car. She sat there waiting patiently for the younger fairies to get back to the car which didn't take very long. The car ride back for the most part was silent, until Bloom started questioning the other fairy.

Out of nowhere arrows hit the front wheel and the car swerved. The two gingers got out the car while the blonde stayed there not being able to move. She was still in shock. The chaos fairy saw, Beatrix and Bloom get restrained but still remained in the car as if nothing had happened.

She just sat there thinking about everything Beatrix had told her and decided she wanted to find out for herself. She was going to pretend everything was fine and get the answers from her father.

The blonde was snapped out of her thoughts when the door opened and she saw her dad looking in at her.

"Are you ok Eliza? Did she hurt you?" The older man asked as he helped the girl out of the car.

She shook her head and walked to the car with Bloom in it, sitting next to her as her dad got in the front seat.

Saul knew something had happened there because his daughter, his extremely talkative daughter hadn't said a thing, she hadn't even looked at him. He knew he had to find out what had happened. One way or another.

It was dark by the time they got back to the school and Elizabeth still hadn't said anything. The only one who knew why was Bloom.

As soon as the car had stopped moving, the two fairies got out the car and Bloom was immediately brought into a hug by Terra, Musa and Aisha joining in too. Elizabeth was brought into a hug by Stella and Riven who both noticed how quiet the usually loud girl was being.

They shared a look before pulling back and leading her to her room where Sky was waiting.

As soon as she stepped foot in her room, she was pulled into a familiar pair of arms.

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