Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"What are you doing in mud" Nymeria asks her Aunt.

"It's a ladybug" Helena replies as Nymeria sits down next to her Aunt and admires the spots in the ladybug "It's Quite beautiful is it not"

"It is indeed"

Nymeria watches as the ladybug flys of Helaenas hand and into the grass

"My mother has been speaking with me" Helaena says as she looks at Nymeria.

"Why would she not be speaking with You"

"She wants me to marry my brother"

"Why in earth would she want that" Nymeria snaps. Nymeria cared for her Aunt just like Healena cared for her.

Whenever the two princesses where together people talked and so did there brothers. It was a rare sight to see the four prince's talking but It did happen whenever the two girls where spotted together.

"To strengthen our blood line. She wants me to wed Aegon. She does not want you on the throne Nymeria "

"I do not want to be on the throne. The people think I don't realise and hear what they say about me, am a bastard and have no claim"

"And yet I do no think that"

"You may not. But your brothers do. Aegon especially as I do not go near my dragon "

"I do not believe they really do" Healena states as she looks at Nymeria who lays back onto the grass "One day you shall see what all of us see in the dragons, Healena gets up from the ground and looks at Nymeria one last time" Aemond does not have a dragon. You do"

Then she walks away leaving the Targaryen alone.


Nymeria took in the words her Aunt said. She knew Aemond didnt have a dragon nd even if they did not like eachother it was no fair of her to act the way she was. She had a dragon and he did not.

So Nymeria headed to the dragon pit to try go near her dragon. It wasn't her dragon which made her terffaied of them. She bonded with Diasiam when she was little however when she was older she just would not go near him or any other. Not even when it came to picking out her brothers eggs did she go near them.

Rhaenyra tries to get her daughter to rebond with her dragon hut she refused to. Now here she was in the dragon keep which was dull of dragons.

Did she think this was good idea. Well yeah it was her idea. Maybe not a smart one but she had to do this. A Dragon would stay bonded and loyal to there owner till they died which meant Aemond could not take Diasiam which left her with him.

Nymeria was a Brave girl she would sneak out the castle all the time so what could a little dragon do to her, she could not be harmed by the fire.

Nymeria had gotten to where Diasiam
Had been kept the past years and she saw him laid down. She thought he was magnificent but terffying at the same time.

She walked towards him and stopped when he woke up. Now she didn't know what to do or say.

Diasiam Recognised his owner and stood up and bowed his head at her.

Nymeria looked at her dragon as he bowed his head and soon fear took over her.

She walked away fastly not taking another glance at her dragon and left the dragon keep.

Once she was out the dragon keep she ran through the halls of the castle trying to get out without anyone seeing. But someone did and followed her.

She got outside the grounds of the castle when she heard someone and hwne she looked around she was not pleased "Aegon"

"Where on earth are you headed to" He asked her as he watched her look away from Him "Nymeria has something happened"

"If something where to have happened why would you care" She spat at him still not daring to look at him.

"We are family and betrothed. I saw you leave the dragon keep Nymeria"

Nymeria finally turns around to look at him and he looks at her. They stay like that for a few minutes "I tried I really did"

"Nymeria my words the other day. I did not mean them"

"Of course you did Aegon, am to be Queen of the seven kingdoms one day and I cannot even bare to be near my dragon" She murmured "How am I to rule"

Aegon walks over to her slowly so she does not panic and puts his handa onto her shoulders and makes it so they are staring straight at eachother "Nymeria you tried, if you do not like the dragons then you don't"

"It is not that I do not like them Aegon. They fear me"

"Why though"

"That is only for Me to know. You must get back to the castle" She whispers as she pushes his hands of her.

"And so should you" Aegon tells her.

"I am going out. If anyone asks I'd you have seen me"

"I'll tell them I have not" Aegon cuts her of "And if anyone asks if I have ever been nice to you"

"I won't say a word uncle"

And with that the two of them parted there ways. One of to the town and the other back to the castle

"Rhaenyra if she is to ever rule she must learn how to ride that dragon" Harwin says as he walks towards Rhaenyra in her private Chambers.

"And do you not think I've tried for her to, she does not like them" Rhaenyra snaps at him.

"Rhaenyra let me try" Harwin suggests "I help out with the boys sometimes"

"HSir Harwin let me remind you your place"

"Rhaenyra she knows. She is not a stupid little girl"

"And yet she's not in the castle" Rhaenyra tells him "She runs of and never attends family events and when she does it is not good"

"She is just like Daemon"

"Do not say that about my daughter" Rhaenyra demands as she trys to get up and Harwin runs over to her to help the pregnant Rhaenyra up "Thank you. But Harwin you must not meddle in her life"

Harwin nodds at Rhaenyra and helps her over to her bed "She will be a good Queen one day"

"I know. But I fear that day may be far into the future"

An-  Next update on friday or Sunday

Aegon being nice to Nymeria 😊

I'm so who should she get with she hasn't had a scene yet with Aemond but please vote.




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