Flying Gecko

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Around 20 Minutes Later:

Now in the Air, Y/n watches the ground, seeing several Beowolves and Crepers running around and causing chaos, even after saving several people, either from damage to buildings or from the Grimm

Y/n has also located the place where the inhabitants of that part of the city are sheltering,

A bunker, located just below Vale's main police station...

And now with Vale City's defenses in shambles, more dangerous grimms like Nevermore, DeathStalkers and even the Intelligent Goliaths are everywhere.

With Y/n,

'This feeling, I feel like there's nothing in the world that could stop me!' Y/n is now floating above a part of the city


Y/N quickly dodges, as he leans back a bit, then a Nevemore's talon passes where his head once was.

following its momentum, Y/n does a flip backwards, stabilizing in midair!

His senses now through the air, locates 4 flying grimm surround him, Nevermores and Griffons.

"This's gonna be Easy"

Y/n accelerates, in an explosion of afterimages, punching and kicking all the flying "chickens"

"Dance of the White Tiger: Inertia"

All the grimm are suddenly frozen in midair, and then are destroyed by Y/n's fists!

With the chickens dealt with,
Y/n fly as fast as possible to the ground,

Arriving amidst the scenery of the vale streets, people running and Grimm causing even more chaos,

While sensing the grimms presence

Y/n detects more than 30 weak grimm in the vicinity

The young man then puts his hands together preparing what would be an attack,


All the Grimm in 100 meters or so, are suddenly pulled towards Y/n's Location!

"And now for the Finish! GRAVITY 100X"

The pulled Grimm are mulched at a single point! A meat ball(?) is formed and then completely compressed into the ground in front of Y/n

The people around, who were running away and trying to defend themselves, were now watching and even recording what happened!

'Why are they recording this? Aren't the communication towers destroyed or something?' Y/n thinks, confused, but soon catches the attention of the remaining citizens

"PLEASE LISTEN EVERYONE! There is a Bunker not far from here, at the Vale Police Station, I will guide you there! please follow me."

Now with everyone gathered, Y/n begins to guide them to the Police Station

'Damn, this is taking too long, I still need to go help the students on Beacon!'

Y/n could have ignored Vale, and followed with the students, but he in his right mind wouldn't have lived well knowing that so many people were left behind.

'I'll live without Regrets! Zoro Style! Heheh' He chuckles making the people behind him look at the young man strangely...

On Beacon:

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