The Red Oni

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Y/n slowly approaches the Harbor , if that place can be even as called such.
The place is in pieces, with an old and run-down appearance.

Looking from above, it looks like the place was once used as a kind of village/town, perhaps for fishermen?

However, most of the buildings appear to be uninhabited.

The only movement of the place is concentrated in the port itself, in the docks where the boats are located.

The young man can see People working there, not many, but at least there is movement.

And- oh there are some Hunstman over there too, maybe they're guards? or simply passengers on the next ferry to Anima?

'Interesting, I honestly thought there would be fewer boats. Because nowadays Bullheads and other ships are more used than boats.'

Before Y/n could go down to the harbor to take a closer look,

He senses the presence of magic approximately near the harbor entrance.

'This magic... It's time to greet the Crow hehe'

[Not far from There, with Qrow.]

On top of a large tree, a small crow is perched, the little one seems to observe everything around attentively.

The crow then flies down towards the ground.

And just before it hits the ground, it briefly glows a dark red.
Before expanding taking a human form,

Qrow Branwen.

"God, I will never get used to this." The man stretches, popping his bones, as if he's been standing still for a long time.

Then a voice resounded behind him.

"Yeah, probably not, it looks uncomfortable."

Qrow eyes Widen for a second, and the man quickly takes up space, he takes his sword from his back and points it at the possible enemy.

However, when he turns around he sees... Y/n?

"Sup Old Bird" he's standing there with his arms crossed, with a smug smile.

Qrow looks surprised for a second, but then he just sighs, and holsters his sword at his back.

"My god kid, that was quite a scare. You don't know how to greet someone normally do you?" The older man approaches the boy, greeting him with a fist bump.

"Nah, My life is annoying enough if I don't get some entertainment out of the little things."

The older man rolls his eyes, but couldn't stop smirking, it's been a few months since he's seen the boy after all. And with the things Tai has told him, and the things he's been hearing around from some informants, he can't help but be a little worried.

"Good to see you again Kiddo. How about we find a place to talk?" Qrow signals Y/n to follow him.

The young man nods, and together they go towards the harbor.

[A few minutes later, in an abandoned house close to the harbor.]

The harbor has a lot of unused buildings, Qrow already knowing the place, takes Y/n to a safe place for them to talk.

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