The little monster.

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[Yang Pov.]

In the middle of the Anima forest, two people were speeding on a motorbike, Y/n on the back of Yang's motorcycle, while the girl was driving.

At the request of Y/n who wanted to talk a little with Yang, they are going moderately slow pace toward the bandit camp.

"Wait, so she wants to talk to you? But why?" Yang asks confused,

Y/n scoffs and replies

"At the very least, she wants me to join her. Or for me to stop helping Ozpin, your mother has a vendetta against him, and as far as I know, she respects strength above all else." The boy answers honestly.

Yang Frowns...

"Hey Y/n, I want to know your honest opinion about my mother." The Girl asks, Y/n may not be able to see her face at the moment, but even so, he can hear her slightly annoyed tone of voice, probably not towards him tho

"...She's a coward. Just like that." Y/n says bluntly.

Yang blinks in surprise, she then laughs lightly.

"Okay, I have to admit I don't expect just one word to describe her man." The girl turns slightly to see Y/n's face but is slightly surprised to see that he looks slightly annoyed.

The young man shrugs,

"I have reason to think so. But I think you'd better listen to what she's going to say about...well everything."

'And that's not worrying at all.' Yang snorts, already nervous about what her mother will say.

The girl then changes the subject,

"Oh yeah, what about those things you had to deal with? Anomalies that's what you call them, right?" The blonde had to admit she was curious about the subject.

"Oh yeah! Yes, that's what I've been calling them, although I've discovered different types of them. By the way, I already got rid of all of Sanus' Anomalies! They were over 40, so it took a lot longer than expected." Y/n says this time with a smile on his face,

Yang gives an impressed whistle,

"Damn! And they were all as strong as that thing from that day?" Yang couldn't help but remember that weird demon.

Y/n shrugs,

"Nah, some of them weren't that strong, let's say only half of them even impressed me."

Yang nods, but inside she was surprised by the information

'If half of those monsters surprised Y/n then they would at the very least destroy a Huntsman if I remember that day well.' That Fight between Y/n and the first Anomaly was something more impactful than Yang admits to herself.

Every blow thrown that day shook the surroundings, every movement was perfectly technical and precise.

Yang smiles softly,

'I hope that one day I can reach that level. At least in technique.'

About 30 minutes pass and Yang and Y/n talk about how they spent their days over the months. Yang touches on the subject of her arm. How were the adaptation to the prosthesis, her training with it, and some other things?

Until Y/n asks Yang something.

"Yang, Can I ask you something personal?"

Y/n's voice came out serious and soft at the same time.

Yang is taken aback for a second, but looks back slightly and smiles.

"Of course man, no problem."

"As for your arm... If I could maybe bring it back, would you want that?"

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