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This is a story I decided to write on impulse because I thought it'll be cool to tell here. Around 1:37 a.m. of the 6th of October 2022, sleepless and all from reading a bunch of reincarnation stories that are mostly Korean. At this very moment that I'm writing this, I have no title or plot in mind but I'll probably just keep it short. It'll be a fun and spontaneous ride. We'll see how it goes...

Disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Any mention of names, organizations, places or the likes in this story that you might find familiar or similar to the ones that exists in real life will either be a coincidence or an inspiration I took of. If it's the latter, I'll let you know at the footnote of the chapter. No other publications of this story by other people shall be made without my permission. Otherwise, it will be deemed stealing and is punishable by law.

Heads up! Read at your own risk. This is rated 13 and will contain profanities and might mention sexual terms. It will be scattered throughout the story and so, I will not put warning (for the vulgar terms) on every chapter but I'll put censor. Nonetheless, I shall put trigger warning for more sensitive scenes and I'll upload a summary of the scene at a separate chapter immediately after its respective chapter. Readers below 13 years old should be guided accordingly while reading.

I do not adhere my readers to imitate and follow any dangerous and inappropriate act my characters would do!

Point of view (POV) will switch across chapters a lot, I guess. However, I will not be indicating it (e.g. Third Person's POV, Kyutee's POV, etc.) whenever it takes place as I think it will ruin the momentum of a scene.

If you see repeated updates of the same chapter, it's simply because I'm editing the said chapter. Don't be bothered much for there won't be a significant revision and you don't need to reread the chapter.

I'm a full-time college student and a dedicated procrastinator, so no scheduled updates. This story is merely a product of a momentary surge of inspiration plus, in the meantime, writing is only a hobby. Consequently, I have no plans of pressuring myself in order to follow your literary demands and expectations. However, I promised myself that I would finish what I started...in my own pace. Kindly rest assured, I shall not drop this story.

Have fun reading!

©2022 Kyutee Hedgehogey

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