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Everything was swallowed in darkness. And here I was, standing? Floating? In nothingness. It was an endless dark space.

Feeling the familiar cold, yet comforting, embrace of the darkness, I cried. No, I wailed. The despair and sorrow of dying and leaving my life fully dawned upon me. My life flashed in my mind while I was weeping my heart out.

The sight of my crying mother and sister. My friends who will have to hear the news later on. My dreams...for myself...for my family.

It's gone. It's all gone.

At this point, nothing mattered. Whether that I'm in a strange place or that a toddler angel is watching me, I didn't care. I don't care.

I gave time for myself. They will grieve for losing me, and I will grieve for losing them. I screamed and cried simultaneously—releasing the extreme sadness and regrets.

While crying continuously, the surrounding shifted to a road scenery. I, together with the angel, was located in the middle of the road. Endless field of white flowers are on both sides. It's peace lilies.¹

"Will this calm you? I hope so because you're taking so long

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"Will this calm you? I hope so because you're taking so long."

The angel asked while whispering the last sentence. With the thought of this flying toddler comforting me, my voice broke and I cried even louder.


"W-hat the...?"

He? She? They(?) seem flustered as my reaction differs from what they expected. The angel just sighed and surrendered calming the girl—deciding to just watch and wait. They summoned a sofa right below them and descended to sit. Afterwards, a desk appeared together with a filled teapot, teacup and a trolley of snacks.

"Let me know if you're done. I'll just get some work done here."


"Can you prepare Filipino snacks? Like banana cue² and halo-halo!³"

"My, my...aren't you demanding? Do you even have the right to order me?"

"Heuk—I'm feeling really sad right now. I just miss my mom when cooks us snacks every afternoon. I feel like I might cry REALLY LOUD again. Oh my, here is it! Gosh, my tears is now falling—"

"Stop! Stop your drama. You're noisy."

As soon as Sivan was done talking, a table full of various Filipino snacks and drinks are served beside me including halo-halo and banana cue.

After wailing like a baby an hour ago, I managed to sort out my emotions and have accepted my fate. Still makes me cry when I think about my family, especially my last memory of my mother at the hospital, but I'm calmer and can now control my tears.

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