Zero: Summary (2nd Half)

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Miles away from the plaza of a small village in the corner of Jaraia province stood an orphanage above a hill. The previous manor of a fallen noble executed at The Great Coup hundred years ago is now a run down home for a group of orphans and a woman called 'Jaraia Orphanage'.

However, the usual joyful and noisy scene is nowhere to be seen. The night breeze, signalling the approaching winter season, blows across the scene of crying children of ages four to 15 reaching to the battered body of a 20-year-old woman they call sister. If only they can help her, but the grip of the burly men in black suits are too much for their strength.

A man in a gold suit, seemingly the leader, approaches the woman and talks about a debt and how it should be paid through her death. All while spitting harsh words and threats about taking the children instead. The woman then suddenly talked about a soul contract and how the man cannot break it.

Getting impatient, the man gave the last blow to the woman who's barely holding on to her life. Black hair getting soaked in a pool of blood and black eyes losing its vitality. Confirming her death, the men calmly retreated and rode their carriages, not wasting a second to look back at the bloody corpse surrounded by the grieving children that are once again orphaned.


Took me exactly three days to publish one chapter. From October 6, 1:37 a.m. to October 12, 1:39 a.m.乁⁠[⁠ᓀ⁠˵⁠▾⁠˵⁠ᓂ⁠]⁠ㄏ

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