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Spoiler Warning: One Piece 'Water 7' Arc (last, apakarandom footnote)


"NO! No, I'm serious. No. I swear in the name of the 56th Saint."

"Then what. The hell. Is. Really. Happening?!"

"Okay, okay. Relax. I'll spill it...everything. So sit first, get your palitaw¹...there you go."

"The thing is...the balance between different realities are breaking. Parallel name it, it's all true. Every story from books and movies that is deemed as fictional here becomes a reality in another universe...if it doesn't fit the standard of the world of its origin. Worlds are created as soon as the people's desire for its existence outweighs their purpose in life. That's how realities are made."

"You mean to say...the world that...I just lived on hours ago is possibly—'s an ex-fictional novel? That it's just one of the infinity worlds out there??"


"So...what's with this 'balance' thing? And it's...uhm...breaking??"

"Yes. We're doing the research to test all possible solutions to prevent the complete destruction of the realities."

"But...aren't you divine beings? Like the best, the great...the perfect ones. Baka kayo na 'yan, eh. Ones closest to God, and most powerful after Him? What's with all the research? Don't you just immediately know what to do?"

"So this is the product of the humans' creativity. It's..."

"Come again? Please stop the whispering."

"I mean...your knowledge barely holds the truth. The 'immediately knows what to do' part is God. That omniscient ability you were pertaining to is His. We, as superior as we are from you, humans, are still His subordinates. Our power have limits depending on our assigned roles."

Apparently, God does not interfere with every little matter. It's His subordinates—the Saints, Saintesses, archangels and angels who directly manages and acts on it. He oversees their work, and only interferes on extremely crucial affairs. God keeps the balance by doing just those.

One way of managing the issues that appear from time-to-time is through conducting a research with the affected beings. This time, it was the humans who will be heavily affected if they don't solve the issue on time. Researches on a wide scope like this are usually orchestrated by the Saints and Saintesses. And accordingly, the Saint Lacuna decided to hold one in order to search for the perfect solution for the tilting balance of the infinite realities.

"The Saint decided to send the souls of already dead people to other existing realities. We did not orchestrate any of these people's death. We assess any available soul, and see if it fits our qualifications for the transfer."

"If it does, angels like me guide their soul to a separate space, and debrief what I'm doing with you. Otherwise, we just let the soul take back its course to the Divine Court."

"Wow, that's a lot to take. But the issue at hand does sound EXTREMELY crucial to me. Why isn't God still interfering?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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