
19 4 1

Trigger Warning: Physical Violence (second half of the chapter)



The sound of droplets falling in the water in a slow rhythmic pattern is the only thing I hear. It's resonating loudly that it's creepy, and annoying at the same time.

It's wet. Ugh.

I try to look at my's dark. Pitch dark. But it feels like my other senses are heightened that it makes me feel like I can still see. The floor is flooded. The water is up to my ankles and it's cold. Is it? I can't understand. I don't know how I feel.

I'm confused.



Suddenly, a voice whispered and I unknowingly flinched. F-fudge. The voice sounded so close to my right ear that it gave me goosebumps.

"Is anyone there?"

I was planning to shout my question, but I ended up whispering the last word. Who am I asking? It's freaking dark and I feel no presence. Plus, I don't know what I would do if it answers back. What if it's a ghost or a demon? Is a red door open?¹ This is now scaring me.

It's Ricah's fault for making me watch that movie before sleep!

Hoo. Breath in, breath out.



This time, there's no hesitation—I fucking screamed.

"Do you have time..."


I couldn't hear what the ghost is saying. I couldn't even look at it. All I know is I'm panicking and I needed to ran away. Where would I go? I don't know. I need to find a way out of this nightmare first.

"...for a chat?? I was hoping..."

The rejected entity sighed at the running figure. I have to deal with a lot of curses today. Can't there be at least one normal client? The entity wore a deep frown in its face.

"Every. F*cking. Time. For the love of God."

The entity, whose form is getting clearer, revealed an appearance of a baby angel floating with its white, tiny wings; the angel has a form of a toddler while giving a holy and adorable charm. Gender unknown, it calmed itself before taking out a technological tablet. Before I follow after that f*cker, let me see how many remaining bothersome creature should I still need to deal with after this. Oh, it's the last one.

[ Vergara, Gabriela C.
20 years old
Qualified ]



Over the hill, miles away from the plaza of a small village located at the corner of Jaraia province, stands a run down manor. It was said to be a residence of a fallen noble that was executed at The Great Coup a century ago. The mansion is very old that it seems to collapse at any given moment. However, contrary to its worrying condition, it usually gives a friendly and warm atmosphere because of its colorful exterior. The outside walls are painted in the colors of yellow, green, blue and white with drawings of the smiling sun, the vast land mirroring the surroundings and children playing—giving the feel of a day care center.

The grassy field in front is empty, while in the backyard lays plant beds of various vegetables and several pair of poles for hanging clothes. Around the manor is a low fence meeting at the simple gate in front—its arch containing colorful letters that seemed to be drawn by a child. It forms "Jaraia Orphanage".

However, the usual warm atmosphere is absent, while the playful shouts of the children is nowhere to be heard. The cold night breeze gently blows, signalling the near approach of winter. Inside the orphanage, repeated shouts from the children are heard. Unlike the joyful screams in the morning, these contains fear and dread.

"Older sister!"

"No! No! Stop, please! No..."

"Bad guys!"

Children of ages four to 15 are trying to break free from the grasp of several burly men. Some of them are already crying, begging to the adults of black suits who keep beating the collapsed body of a woman. Acting deaf, the only man wearing a gold suit who is the boss of the other men continued to watch the horrendous scene. The 20-year-old woman, with a tattered dress, a bruised body and a bleeding head, is seen holding on to her consciousness. Her previously shiny black hair has lost its luster, while the breathtaking black eyes that seemed to contain all the joys of life are barely keeping its focus.

Seeing how the woman won't die yet, the leader of the men chuckled and stood up. He approached the woman in leisure steps, then stepped on her face. Angry shouts from the older children can be heard.

"What a weed. Won't die yet, huh? Tsk. Your debt won't be fully paid if you don't die. want the kids replace you. I won't mind."

Hearing the statement, the hazy eyes of the woman gazed at the man full of hatred and fear. Fear for the kids she treated as her own siblings. Despite the heavy shoes on her face, she struggled to warn the man using her, now hoarse, voice.

"D-don' ever...d-dare t-touch the children."

Coughing blood in between, she continues.

"We s-s-signed a s-soul contract. You can't b-break i-it."

She can feel it. They've been beating her for hours and she's been bleeding since then. She's dying. But, the kids...

"Then die. Be quick."

Saying such a cold word while displaying a sense of urgency, the man kicked the woman's head hard that it hit the leg of the table. The woman didn't have the time to react as the excruciating pain hits her. Everyone in the room can see how a pool of blood immediately filled the floor, earning the children's screams and wails that is full of agony.

Confirming the death of the lass, the man in a gold suit signalled his men to retreat. The men each got out of the orphanage and rode their carriages, not wasting a second to look back at the bloody corpse surrounded by the grieving children that are once again orphaned.


[1 Ghosts/demons from a red door] Reference from the horror movie 'Insidious'.

Writing the first scene reminded me of 'Stranger Things' whenever Eleven uses her powers.

To be honest, I don't know where this story is going. I'm just letting my fingers take the lead at this point. It'll be full of surprises for the both of us. Also, I'm wondering if you, readers, can feel the emotions I want to portray 'cause I'm finding it hard to convey it through my simple words. For example, I feel like the fear and panic wouldn't be delivered properly if I just put "I screamed" instead of an unnecessary dialogue "AAAAAAAHHH!". However, it's not my style so I'm worried. What do you think?

Please leave a feedback. I accept constructive criticism, not hate.

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