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Dialogues (ones that are verbally stated by the characters) in italics means it is spoken using the Filipino language and/or accent.


"And that's how you convert measurements using dimensional analysis. Any more questions?"

First ever face-to-face class since the pandemic and I'm dozing of. I yawned and looked to the clock above the whiteboard in front. We've been studying chemistry for five damned hours?! My brain cells are all knocked out. Even while wearing my face mask, anyone can notice my tired expression.

"Huy, are you okay?"

Looking back from her seat, my friend Millie asked while lightly laughing. Returning the chuckle, I said that I'm fine. I switched my attention back to our teacher and tried to focus on the lesson. Occasionally, I raise my hand for some recitation merits.

I don't know if it's just me, but being active in class helps me leave a good impression in my teachers which surely, one way or another, affects my grades positively. Plus, helps me maintain good grades when I get low marks on tests, quizzes and sometimes, in my written works. A great advice for students if I may say.

More so during theoretical discussions, because it also improves one's b*llsh*tting skills. Most of the time, it's just your opinion and I love making on-the-spot answers. The effects are guaranteed, really.

"Maybe later or tomorrow, I'll post the guide questions regarding the experiment you just did. Good bye and take care, class!"

Anyway, one more hour and the class ended with a laboratory activity. As soon as I left the room, I felt free and felt like my soul immediately floated out of my body. While walking towards the end of the street to hail a jeepney,¹ me and my classmates, including Millie, decided to talk about the anonymous rising singing star on MeTube².

"Apparently, she's a girl but no one truly knows her face or her real name."

"But damn, she really has a good voice. Like a mix of Moira³ and Morissette—soothing but powerful."

"So far, she only had song covers."

Hmm. Reaching the end of the street, we luckily spotted a spacious jeep and took the ride immediately. Placing our bags in our laps as we sit, I took a 100-peso⁵ bill since I don't have enough coins. I just took Millie's exact payment and included hers in mine.

The drive is quick and we soon parted ways as we searched for our second ride. The school isn't far from our address, to be honest. It's just that there are no one-trip drive.

While crossing the road, I failed to notice the accelerating motorcycle towards me. Good thing, my reflexes worked and my body quickly backed away from the road.


What a reckless driver. Moving merely because the streetlight is still orange.

"Kid, are you okay?"

"Yes po,⁶ I'm fine."

The traffic enforcer and some concerned pedestrians approached and asked me. I awkwardly answered and scurried away, successfully crossing the road this time.

Reaching the other side, I quickly search for a jeep that would directly stop in front of the subdivision we are currently residing in. The traffic is lighter than when I rode to school at noon. Remembering the scene this afternoon...I was 30 minutes late. Aish. I had to walk for 15 minutes because the jeep I was riding isn't moving any sooner.

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