Empty boxes, helping hand

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Y/N woke up to a new day, the sun shining through his window as he felt it shine onto his eyes making him grumble as he turned away from the light too comfy to get out of bed. He then heard a voice through the window "Hey, friend! Rise and shine to a new day!" It was The sun, peeping through his window trying to wake him up.
Y/N facing away letting out a growl not caring to give a response.
"Wakey..wakey.." The sun taunted softly.
"Fuck off, mate." Y/N flipped him off in annoyance. The sun making a small "aw.." and going away with a frown. Y/N then snuggled into his blankets, the bed to fuzzy and soft to get away from. "Oh wait, I have stuff to do." Y/N opened his eyes and sighed sadly getting up from his bed and yawning. He stretched his back before he scratched his head. He threw the blanket off of him as he yawned, feeling his feet against the cold floor. He walked his way to the bathroom, obviously closing the door behind him to go to the bathroom then to freshen himself up.
Few minutes later and he was done, opening the door as he looked much more fresh and awake. Okay..time for clean clothes. Y/N made his way to his closet opening it wide as he was met with outfits.
He looked for a min then shrugged grabbing a plain T-Shirt and nice bland pants. 
When he was done changing he grabbed his keys to the car and slipped his shoes on.
He opened his front door as the sun heat wave came in. "God damn sun.."
Y/N mumbled squinting his eyes as he hold his hand above his head looking up shaking his head before making his way to his car bunker.  He pressed a button on his keys, the car making a small beep twice as the back of the car opened. As he slightly struggled to lift the back open it slowly rose up it's self and Y/N was met with a bunch of boxes that took over his car.
"..okay I can do this." Y/N encouraging himself as he grabbed a box to start with and made his way to the house.
When he entered the living room he put the box down, proud of himself.
"First one down, a million more to go." He said with a tone of sarcasm. He made his way back outside, deciding he would try more of a heavy box. Grabbing ahold of it and making his way back to the house.
He felt the box slowly slipping from his hands as he struggled to keep a grip.
"Ow, ow, ow, oww-" he grunted trying to remember if it was his back of legs he's supposed to be lifting with.  "Damnit- ow-" he then dropped the box onto the side walk, not making it to his destination.
He was shaking his hands feeling a burning sensation. "Dumb box.." Y/N whispered to himself feeling like he should kick it.
"Do you need help there, Y/N?"

A familiar soothing voice said, Y/N turning his head twords them. It was Red, he was wearing a muscle tank top and some jeans.
"Oh. Uhm..yeah" Y/N gave a embarrassed laugh scratching his arm. Red walked his way to the box Y/N was carrying and picked it up easily. Y/N took attention to his figure seeing he was fit, Y/N looked away before he started to stare. As Red made his way to Y/Ns house he went inside and seen the small house. He thought it was nice and something good to settle in, he put the box down next to another box Y/N already brought in earlier. As Red looked around from where he was not wanting to snoop,
Y/N soon came in after carrying something a bit more easier for him.  He placed the box down looking up to Red standing besides him. "Not so bad, right?" Y/N asked
"Hm? Oh- ye-yeah it's nice. I like it." Red looked down to Y/N. "So, you don't work today?" Y/N asked as they started to continue moving in the boxes.
"I have the weekends off." Red said causally
Giving a small shrug. "Oh, that's nice."
Y/N gave a smile before he grabbed another box almost dropping it. Red quickly grabbed onto the box as a reflex.
"My bad." Y/N gave a small laugh looking up, Red looked up as well not realizing how close they were. Red gave a small laugh too.

Red then helped Y/N get a grip then Y/N gave a small thanks starting to make his way back to the house. Red watching him walk away staring at his back. Red then shook his head and grabbed a box
here to be helpful, not to stare, Red.. He thought to himself as he continued on.
As Red brought the last box in Y/N happily thanked him for his help.
"Thanks, Red. This would of tooken me all day if you weren't here, heh." Y/N crossed his arms, making eye contact with him.
"Glad t-to help, Y/N." Red nodded, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I'm gonna start putting my crap away so you're free to go if you want." Y/N let him know as he kneeled down and started to open one of the boxes.
"Oh, well..do you mind if I stay? I could help you out more if you want." Red said, wanting to actually stay around Y/N liking his company. Y/N looked to him quiet surprise he would like to stay but happy at the same time. "Well..of course. I'd love your company! And your help too." Y/N gave a warm smile to him making Red feel fuzzy inside making him smile too.
Y/N could tell by looking at his eyes.
Y/N then started, taking a box to his kitchen as he was putting his utensils away In a drawer. Red was in the living room, hanging up pictures Y/N had for decoration.
Red didn't see any of  Y/N's family though, made Red wonder if he was close to his family or if he lived with them back at where he used to live. Most of the pictures where of cute dogs and kittens, some where flowers and others where like a water fall.
Red heard Y/N humming in the kitchen, taking notice and stopped what he was doing as he listened. It sounded very nice, something he felt like he could fall asleep too. He then went back to hanging up the pictures, tryin to not get distracted.

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