Pretty moon light, Pretty laugh

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Y/N kept looking at himself in the mirror, he'd walk away then walk back.
Fix his hair, check his teeth then walkway..then walk back.
Repeat that for a few more times, before he finnaly makes himself stop.
"Alright! Chill out. Just a date.." Y/Ns voice faded off before he said it again "date."
Y/N smiled to himself, thinking about the word he just said.
"Date" he said again and he clapped his hands together
He felt incredibly happy,,, excited of course! But also nervous.
His stomach felt bubbly, and he felt.. sweaty..? He didn't want to mess anything up, he didn't want to look bad ether.
He wiped off his suit making sure there was no dust or wrinkles, and put on a nice cheap cologne. He sighed to himself, thinking about how Red is gonna look.
Y/N always thought Red looked attractive in a suit, since when he first seen Red wearing one, really.
And Y/N was glad he was probably gonna see him in one again tonight for their small date. Y/N felt himself blush, his heart filled with mixed emotions.

Just a few more minutes..
Red was looking at himself in the mirror, moving his yarn out the way and checked his teeth. He then brushed through his yarn, and put on a nice black shiny suit with a red tie. He sprayed on cologne and made sure to rub it on his neck so it lasts longer...just in case.
Red did like being prepared, felt more at ease when things are.

Red then looked in the mirror again, he looked at his eyes then reached for the red fuzzy yarn hiding his mouth, something he wasn't a fan of himself.
He moved it out the way, opening his mouth as he let his tounge slightly hang out.
He made a small "ahh" noise while moving his head side to side to check his teeth.
He already brushed his teeth 2 times, first time wasn't enough to him.
He just didn't want to look like a dirty monster when going on his date with
Y/N. He felt like he was gonna scare him away accidentally...but, with all that negativity out of the way, he was excited.
Sure, he didn't jump around or clap his hands together, he shows it in his own way.
Laughing. He laughed a lot when he feels excited or nervous, he wasn't so sure if it was noticable.

As he sighed and let go of the yarn covering his mouth again, he fixed up his suit.
Dusting himself off before deciding he should get going and meet up with


Y/N heard a knock at the door, he speed walked excitedly twords the door and swinged it opened seeing Red all dressed up with a nice cologne smell following after him."Hi, look great." Y/N smiled to him giving a small compliment.
"Hello, Y/ look great too-" Red said in response as he slowly reached his hand out and Y/N took it. Red lead Y/N to his car.
Red opened the car door for Y/N and Y/N let out a small chuckle as he sat down.
"Thank you." Y/N smiled happily and Red let out a small laugh before making his way twords the driver seat and getting settled in.

Red started to drive and they had small talk
"So, is this restaurant expensive..?"
Y/N asked curious, looking over to him as Red kept his eyes in the road.
"Eh, k-kinda..but don't worry,"
Red shrugged his shoulders before continuing "I'm paying for tonight."
Red took a small glance to his partner sitting next to him.
"What? No, I can pay for myself. Don't worry, Red." Y/N shook his head, looking to the road.
" It's okay, I-Ill pay. Can't change my  mind." Red looked to Y/N then back to the road, getting closer to the destination.
"Are you sure..?" Y/N lowered his eye lids, soothing and lowering his voice as he leaned slightly twords Red..
Red took repeated glances to him, trying to not get distracted. Red swallowed, a lump in his throat. "Mhm...y-yes.." Red stuttered as he did a little nod trying to force his eyes to stay on the road.
"Are you really sure..? I can help you change your mind, Red.." Y/N smirked, leaning closer then before, slightly bitting his lip as he made his voice low and husky
rubbing Reds right thigh.
Red felt himself tense up, he gulped before stuttering out words.
"I- erm...I'm driving-!" Red bounced his leg, making a small excuse as he let out a fake cough. Y/N chuckled, leaning back and settling his back into the seat again.
"Cute." Y/N said under his breath making Reds heart jump.
"O-oh look-! We're he-here!" Red slightly yelled as he let out a small laugh and did a sharp turn into the parking lot.

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