Little monsters, moving pictures

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After the whole "Tent penguin" situation
Y/N somehow built up the courage to ask for Reds number so they could possibly hang out more. Y/N also gave his number to Red, just in case he wants to call too.

Though, Red wouldn't stop apologizing for hugging Y/N in his sleep.
He felt so embarrassed when he woke up, he couldn't process anything that he kinda just freaked out. All he did was apologize randomly and Y/N would have to keep on telling him it was fine and that he didn't mind.


Few days later and guess what day it was?
The spooky day where people say it's that holiday were children become more evil.
The holiday were people are "worshipping" the devil while in a Dora costume..If you haven't gotten the hint yet,,
It's Halloween!
Meaning scary movies, and candy for
Y/N as he was celebrating it alone.
He didn't have anyone to celebrate
it with He wasn't with his family anymore,
So he just decided things where gonna be solo this year. It bugged him a bit but he shrugged it off and grabbed a bowl of candy and sat down on his couch turning the TV on. Like usual, everything on had its own Halloween special or a random scary movie like Friday the 13th or Scream.
Some comedies like BOO! Or Scary Movie.
Y/N went through but couldn't pick what to watch, he threw the remote to the side.
He let out a long sigh, he felt bored and alone. Could use some company

Y/N looked to the phone, looking at the sticky note right by it, having Reds phone number. Y/N thought for a moment, putting the bowl that was filled with cavities besides him and got up.
He grabbed the phone that was connected to the wall and looked at the number key pad. He made a few glances to the sticky note then to the key pad, gripping the phone tightly before puttin the phone back.
"Nope, nope, can't do it."
Y/N walked away from it, rubbing his eyes
before hearing the phone ring.
He ran twords it picking it up quickly
"Hello?" He said curious, with a smile
wondering if it was Red.
"Wanna watch a scary movie?"
A raspy voice said from the other side
making Y/N sigh out of annoyance.
"Not with you? BYE!" He yelled through the phone then slammed it down hanging up.
Y/N groaned, then walked away
then walked back, changing his mind then walked away. " maybe I should-"
Y/N reached for the phone then walked away " nevermind."

He was fighting back and fourth, feeling to anxious to call. "Come on- you slept with the guy! Kinda.." Y/N shrugged his shoulders, then decided.
"Okay. I'll call, see what he's doing, then ask! Easy." Y/N rolled his eyes then grabbed the phone and started to push buttons.
He had one last button to push and he took a deep breath in then a deep breath out
Before pushing it, it started to ring a few times I hope he didn't give me a fake number..
Y/N thought to himself before he heard a familiar voice pick up. "H-hello?"  It was Red.

Red was at his house, sitting on his couch as Manny was getting into his costume.
Duck was helping him with the outfit.
"Stop moving so much!" He grumbled
"It's hard not to!" Manny shouted

Red sighed, then started to hear the phone ring. He glanced twords the kitchen knowing no one ever calls which made his  curiosity peak. He got up from the couch, into the kitchen and picked up the phone.
"H-hello?" He spoke softly before hearing a voice answer back.
"Hello? Red?" It was Y/N..Red softly smiled and spoke. "Oh, hey, Y/N..uh..what- what's up?" He asked and heard Y/N go quite for a moment before answering.
"Eheh. Well I was just wondering.. wondering if you would like too..uhm..come over and.. watch with me? Or something." Y/N spoke with a unsteady voice. "Oh, uh..yeah. s-sure."
Red let out a small awkward laugh..
Y/Ns voice lit up "Oh.. really? Cool! Mkay-! I'll be waiting then.. Bye, Red!" Y/N said
"By-bye, Y/N." Red said before they both hanged up at the same time.

"Who was that?" Manny said walking into the kitchen with his costume on
He was being a witch, his witch hat being a bit too big as it slouched at bit over his face before he fixed it.
"Hm? Oh. It was..a friend. He needs help with something." Red lied, kinda.

Red guy x Male reader (FOR FUN!) Where stories live. Discover now