Making food, eating food

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Y/N was sitting in his kitchen having a cup of coffee as he was still in his PJs thinking about what happened yesterday. Thinking about the two "moments" with Red.
He really is a sweet guy..Butt I just met him?
Y/N sighed scooting out from his chair and decided he would go take a shower.
He poured his coffee In the sink turning the water on watching it get washed away down into the sink.

As he got his clothes he went to his bathroom opening the door and going inside setting his clothes on top of the toilet.
He closed the window curtains and turned on the light, after that he started his warm shower.
At Reds house
Red has just got done making breakfast for Manny and Duck. He made pancakes and Bacon, setting the plates infront of them as they started to eat. Red hummed a small song as he took off his apron and sat down himself at the table to eat. As Red chewed Manny began to speak but also having his mouth full. "Is Y/N coming ov..over for dinner again?" He spoke, bacon slightly flying out of his mouth. "Chew with your mouth closed you savage!" Duck spoke, shaking his head in disapproval. "Sorry." Manny shortly said after looking down as he wiped his mouth with his arm.
"Uhm. Actually Y/N invited us over for dinner." Red announced calmly but truly was quiet excited inside just not much of a person to show it.
"Really! When did he tell you?" Manny asked with curiosity. "He asked me yesterday before I left his house." Red took a bite of his food and started to chew.
"Why where you over there?" Duck asked peaking over his news paper.
"I was helping him with his boxes. 'moving in st..stuff' you know? What neighbors do."
Red then took another bite of his pancakes.
"What is he making?" Manny asked excitedly, as he finished his food.
"Oh. Uhm. I'm not sure. He didn't say." Red went into thought about it, seeing he never asked. He did quite leave in a hurry out of embarrassment for the two things he did.
"I should go ask!" Manny pushed out his chair almost running off before Red grabbed him by his spenders.
" need to go and take a bath first." Red ordered and Manny crossed his arms. "That takes too long!" Manny shook his head meaning no. "Well, too bad. You want to be clean not dirty. You have to look decent when going to a neighbors house."
Red explained and Manny sticked his tounge out to him. "Manny." Red slightly rose his voice, squinting his eyes down at him. Manny stopped and nodded his head
"Okay..I'll go take my bath." Manny was let go and he slowly walked to the bathroom still making a big deal about it.
"Dumb bath..I don't like baths.."
He whispered as he walked down the hallway.
Y/Ns house
Y/N had gotten out of the shower, drying off his hair then put on his clothes looking himself in the mirror. He opened his mouth looking at his teeth as he was making a small "ahh" sound. He looked down to his tooth brush and tooth paste.
Time to brush my teeth
He turned the faucet on, putting his toothbrush under it and then squirted toothpaste onto it, scrubbing the toothbrush against his teeth making sure they looked all clean.

Finnaly he was done, opening the door to the bathroom and walking out the air brushing through his hair as it felt freezing cold. I should get a heater.. Y/N thought, seeing it would be nice to sit next to as he dries off from a shower. He was holding his dirty clothes, walking his way to the laundry room and throwing the clothes inside before shutting the door.
He then walked back to the kitchen opening his fridge and grabbing milk then a bowl, pouring some cereal that was sitting on top of the fridge. He grabbed his spoon and slid his bowl of cereal down onto his table.
He pulled out his chair and took a seat starting to chow down onto it.
What am I going to make?
Reds house
Red was standing in front of his mirror, seeing what he should wear. He was holding two outfits, one occupied his left hand then the other occupied his right.
He was humming a small song to himself as he thought which would look best.
"I never heard you hum so much before!" Manny peaked through the door with his ruffled blue hair. Red turned around putting the clothes down.
"Catchy song. Now come here I can comb your hair."
Red grabbed a brush from his desk and Manny came inside the room sitting on top of his bed waiting patiently for Red to brush it. As Red started to make soft brush strokes Manny would wince at sudden pain as Red was getting tangles out.
"Ow...ow......ow" Manny would slightly shake his head each time. Red could only let out a small laugh as a response.

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