Take your clothes off, give me love

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SMUT because people are down bad😞
(Me too don't worry)
Don't have your hopes up, not the best at smut.
Red collapsed down onto Y/Ns couch, letting out a sigh as he men spreaded his legs, tired from a day of work.
It was Saturday but Red had to go in to finish unfinished paper work.

After he ended up at Y/Ns house.
Why wasn't he at his home with the others?
Manny was at his dad's while Duck was out playing bingo so that left Red by himself by the time he got home from work.
Y/N said he could come over to his place and they could hang out.

Y/N came over and rubbed Reds shoulders making Red let out a hum of pleasure.
Red leand his head back looking to Y/N.
Y/N let out a small laugh looking down to him. "How was work, love?" Y/N asked and Red sighed "Boring..y-you weren't there so..and I accidentally spilled c-coffee on some of my work..heh." Red shrugged his shoulders.
Y/N looked at him for a moment before replying "aw..well I'm here now~"
Y/N dragged his voice out with a smile as he then made his way to sitting down next to Red. Red let out a sigh, pulling at his suit.
"Hot?" Y/N raised an eyebrow curiously..
"Y-yeah.." Red shoulders slumped downward. Y/N thought for a bit before he smirked to himself. "Here let me help you."
Y/N got himself up before he sat on Reds lap facing twords him making Reds heart jump. His eyes widen as he felt himself heat up feeling Y/N on him.
Y/N started undoing Reds tie calmly,
before he slipped it off.
"How about we get this shirt off..yeah?"
Y/N cooed as he put his hand under Reds chin slightly rubbing his cheek.
Red felt a shudder go down his spine as he slowly nodded.
Y/N stared to unbutton his shirt, before he purposely moved his hips side to side rubbing against Red. Red let out a small groan to the feeling, getting tensed up.
Once his shirt was unbutton Y/N took it off, throwing it to the side then looked back to Red with a soft look.
"I know you had such a rough day at work so..why don't I help you feel a bit better?"
Y/N pulled himself closer as he rubbed Reds tigh. Red felt his heart running laps as he managed to mumble out words.
"I-i would..love t-that.." Red replied with a drowsy voice, sucked into the lust feeling.
Y/N smirked as he moved Reds yarn aside seeing Reds mouth.
Y/N stared for a moment, getting a good look at his mouth. Red then felt Y/Ns hand against his face pulling Red in as
Y/N leaned in and started to kiss Red passionately with tounge, tasting him.
Red lustfully kissed him back as he slid his tounge into Y/Ns mouth, he let out a small groan to the feeling.
Red gripped his hand onto Y/Ns side, and rubbed his hand up and down gently.
Saliva dripped down their mouths and the room started to feel more heated,
Y/N wrapped his arms around Reds neck, messing with his red yarn, tugging at it a bit. Red let out a few small moans, gripping onto Y/N harder. 
Y/N soon then pulled away to breathe looking to Red with drippy eyes his long wet tounge slightly hanging outside of his mouth. Both heavily breathing as the tension grew more.
"You taste so good.." Y/N said with a low tone, his eyes half lidded as he rubbed the side of Reds face, making Red swallow a lump in his throat.

Y/N looked twords Reds neck and went down, bitting.
Red let out a small moan, covering his mouth after, a shock went through his body. Y/N continued, bitting him all over his neck, sucking and kissing him a few times leaving marks. Claiming Red to be his.
Red felt wonderful, moaning into his hand
as he was eating up Y/Ns affection.
Y/N then grinded himself against Reds bulge making Red slightly gasp.
He felt so sensitive under Y/Ns touch, in this feeling he felt so sensitive..
Y/N then looked back up to Red, seeing Reds eyes half lidded. Y/N then looked down for a second then looked back up with a smirk.
Y/N then rubbed Reds bulge to tease, making Red let out a small groan. "You're so cute.." Y/N mumbled, adoring Reds reactions to his touch. Red then bucked his hips upward, showing he was getting impatient.  Y/N chuckled as he started to pull off Reds belt and slid down Reds pants, seeing Reds boxers as he gotten more view of Reds area.
Y/N bit his lip and moved his hand twords Reds boxers, palming him suddenly making Red hitch his breath. "Y/N...enough with the t-teasing..." Red groaned, feeling eager.
"You're so desperate, aren't you?" Y/N
cooed, slightly tilting his head to the side.
Red then suddenly jittered his leg up slightly moving Y/N upward by surprise.
Y/N felt Reds leg rub against his area making him slightly gasp. Red let out a drowsy laugh to his reaction.
"..I'm y-your boss, remember? So you have to listen to me, darling.." Red murmured with a smirked to Y/N looking down at him.
Y/N looked up to him and slightly laughed
"I guess you're right, sir.." Y/N replied
With a soothing voice.
Red could feel the air hit his dick as Y/N pulled his boxers off. His dick was hard leaking pre-cum.
Y/N then wrapped one of his hands around Reds cock as he started to slowly move his hand up and down then starting to pick up the speed jacking Red off.
Red felt himself jump as he laid his head back, Feeling his leg twitch. He gripped
Y/Ns thigh tightly.
Y/N continued to jerk his hand, looking up at Red studying his reaction and loving to hear his moans.
"Y/N..agh.." Red mumbled through his groans, making Y/N bite his lip.
He wanted more, he wanted to hear Red more. He desired it.
Y/N then started to pull off his pants, Red watching him as he heavily breathed, his chest going up and down.
Y/N then took of his boxers, now half naked. Red felt drool drip down his lip, watching Y/Ns every move taking a good look at his body.
Y/N then gripped onto Reds shoulders as he slowly lifted himself up before slowly putting Reds dick inside him making him let out a groan, digging his head into Reds neck. Red let out a moan, feeling warmth wrap around his dick as he smiled.
He rubbed Y/Ns thigh as he moved his hips side to side, feeling his cock move inside
Y/N. Y/N let out a small shudder before he started to move himself up and down slowly, keeping one hand on Reds shoulder.
He leaned his head slightly back, letting out small moans each time.
Red watched him move up and down, as he let out heavy breaths.
He then gripped Y/Ns side and stared to move him slightly faster. bitting his tared up lips. "Ugh..Y/N.." Reds voice was wobbly as he continued. Y/N covered his mouth, as he looked up enjoying the feeling, both of the males feeling aroused.
Red then stopped Y/Ns thrusting and pinned Y/N down onto the couch.
Y/N feeling himself sink into the couch cushions. Red toward over him, looking down at him seeing his legs spreaded out.
Y/N felt Reds warm touch grabbing his leg as Red lifted Y/Ns leg over his shoulder.
Y/N gulped as he felt his chest going up and down.
"You l-look so good in this view.." Red softly softly spoke as he pulled Y/N closer to his dick. Y/N put on a droopy smile as he watched Red, preparing himself for what's coming. Red then shoved himself inside
Y/N making Y/N let out a small gasp seeing how desperate he was.
Red then started to thrust fastly, desiring this feeling, looking down at Y/N.
hearing Y/N let out moans under him.
"Ah.. you're doing- so good..Red.." Y/N praised giving Red more confidence, lust tugging onto him as he started to get rougher with his thrusts.
Pounding into Y/N as he slightly leand down hanging his long tounge out slightly drooling onto Y/N.
He felt himself claw into Y/Ns leg he has over his shoulder, gripping it tightly.
Y/N moving up and down into the couch cushions, letting out sounds of pleasure.
Red then leand down to Y/Ns lips and kissed him sloppily, letting out grunts.
Y/N kissed him back, feeling Reds drool drip inside his mouth.
Both mumbling eachothers moans before Red felt his stomach start to twist and turn.
Red let go of the kiss, picking up his pace and slamming into Y/N, letting out a growl.
Y/N moaned Reds name, feeling Reds dick move inside him as it twitched.
"..Y/N.." Red mumbled in a wobbly tone,
his thrusting getting sloppier and slower than before. Y/N could tell he was getting closer each second.
Red then bit down into Y/Ns shoulder catching Y/N by surprise as he let out a choked gasp, feeling Red shoot his warm cum inside of Y/N..
Red then let go of Y/Ns shoulder seeing the huge bite mark he left behind as he leaned back up and pulled out of Y/N hearing a slight pop.

Y/N could feel his chest pumping and his heart racing as he felt filled.
He could feel his shoulder start to feel a wince of pain from the bite as his ass felt soar. Sweat dripped down his face as he closed his eyes trying to catch his breath.

Red liked the bite mark he left on Y/N, he felt proud of it if he was being honest.
He enjoyed every second of this moment with Y/N and couldn't wait for more times like this. Red then got off the couch and picked Y/N up. "We should probably..go get cleaned up, r-right?" Red asked with his normal soothing voice.
"Yeah.." Y/N put on a small smile as he let out a small sigh.
Y/N and Red where now taking a bath,
Y/N sitting in front of Red as Red was washing him off. Making sure Y/N was all squeaky clean. It was quite but a nice comforting quite.
Y/N looking down at the water, seeing Red in the reflection.
He smiled to himself feeling great-ful
he had Red as a boyfriend.
Red was humming a song softly, Y/N joining a long as they both hummed the same rhythm.
Red then hugged Y/N close "love you." He said with a soothing tone making
Y/N smile. "Love you too.." Y/N let out a small laugh looking back to Red.

1915 words

Hey hope you like this chapter!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes-

Hiiii!! So I did smut bc people asked for it lol
This is kinda smut mixed with fluff due to the ending tho so that's nice! Right?

Anyway, next chapter is fluff! <3
The chapters might be shorter then usual now tho, just a heads up.

I'm taking requests!
Angst(depends on what it's about)

I love to hear your guys ideas!
Love you all so much, bye bye 💕

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