Runny nose, warm blankets

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                            's meee😓 I'm not deadddd😆

Red woke up to his alarm, he opened his eyes slowly as he felt his throat burn.
He swallowed his spit and felt the static pain stretch in his neck.
He let out a whimper hating the feeling as he got up. His eyes felt watery and heavy, his nose feeling runny. His head was pounding and he hated every second.
He put his hand to his head as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in before he was cut off by a nasty cough. 
Yup, Red had a cold.
He sighed and fell back, feeling the walls spin around him. He shut his eyes and let out a fustrated groan.
"I guess I-im calling in.." Red mumbled with a raspy cold voice and got up heading twords the kitchen grabbing the phone and began to call.

Once he was done, he put the phone back in place as he heard a small click.
He sighed as he rubbed his eyes before thinking for a bit.
Should I call Y/N? Should I tell him so he knows I won't be at work today?
Red thought to himself as he heard the voice In his head echo.
I don't even think he's up at this time..
Red looked twords the phone then slowly grabbed it. "M-Might as well..try"

Y/N was laying in his bed, sleeping on his side, all comfy and wrapped in his blanket happily enjoying his rest. He rubbed his face into his pillow letting out a small humm. Ring ring...RING RING
Y/N slammed his alarm clock and groaned
RING RING it kept going and Y/N felt himself get hit with confusion still half asleep. "I thought I-" he looked twords his alarm clock, he seen the time.
It wasn't even the alarm clock that went off.
"Oh shit it's the phone-!" Y/Ns heart jumped as he jolted up and went to go answer the phone. The ringing sounded more aggressive as Y/N got closer.
"Calm down! Fucking phone.."
Y/N mumbed before he grabbed the phone and answered, holding the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" He answered, his voice still sounding raspy.
"Y/N.." He heard a knocked up voice from the other side. "Red..? Is that you-?" Y/N raised an eyebrow as he waited for a response. "Uhhh..y-yeah..I just wanted to tell you I'm-" Red got cut off by a painful cough before he continued to speak.
"I'm..not going in today.."
Red finished his answer, then going completely quite. "Are you sick?" Y/N asked with a small show of worry.
"Kinda-" Red coughed again before letting out a small tired groan. Y/N winced to the sound of the cough, hearing it sounded disgusting, sounded like it hurt.
"..I'm coming over." Y/N stated.
Red let out a small surprised "huh?"
As he's trying to keep himself together.
"I'm. Coming. Over." Y/N repeated, ten times more clear then before.
"No- don't need to- I'm fine.."
Reds voice dragged as he replied.
Y/N could hear him sniff
"Nope, I'm not asking. I'm coming over, love you bye!" Y/N hanged up before Red could argue back.
Red couldn't even say a word before
Y/N hanged up. He heard a small ding as he then heard the line go dead. "Y-Y/N..?" Red held the phone closer to him as he tried to see if  Y/N was still there but nope!
Y/N hanged up for sure and Red shook his head slowly. "Aye, aye, aye..Y/N.." Red then accepted his fate and went to his small couch and sat down waiting for his caring boyfriend to show up at the door.


Y/N knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. No one answered.
Y/N knocked more not too loud but loud enough.
Y/N soon heard footsteps walk twords the door, they weren't heavy ones like Reds, or rushed ones like Manny's, they where light footsteps.  Y/N already knew who it was as
The door creaked open harshly.
"What, what!" The small duck said angrily
before realizing he was just looking at legs.
He looked up and seen Y/N looking down at him. "Hi, Duck" Y/N gave a small fainted smile and a small weak wave.
"Oh, it's you. Hello, Reds pet." Duck crossed his arms, as his auto tune voice had a hint of rudeness in it. Y/Ns eyes widen to Ducks words. "Reds pet? Duck, I'm his boyfriend not his pet!" Y/N growled, slightly leaning down. Duck shrugged, not breaking eye contact. "Can I come inside?" Y/N asked as his voice slightly rose with annoyance.
"..fine." Duck walked back inside as Y/N followed. "Wheres Red-" Y/N question soon answered it's self as Y/N seen Red sleeping on the couch, his light snores repeating.
"Sleeping, duh." Duck shook his feathers and Y/N rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, Yeah, I see that now."
Y/N scoffed, and then heard Red beginning to wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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