new day, first day

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Y/N was on his way to work, it was his first day of course. Ever since the interview Y/N felt better about how the job was going to go, knowing he was going to work for Red.

Red, a guy who was chill, nice, caring.
Red, the man who let Y/N have dinner with him, who helped Y/N move in, who helped him from getting hurt, who helped him cook.
Red, the man who made Y/N smile.
Y/N thought about how they got close quiet quick, he liked that.
How he just kinda clicked with him..
As a friend of course.
Y/N pulled his car into the parking where all the other worker's cars had been parked. Y/N sighed before getting out, straightening his suit before he walked twords the doors.

Red was in his office, having his feet on the desk as he was looking at himself holding a mirror, fixing his fluffy red yarn.
He was humming a small song, quiet distracted before he heard a knock on the door making him jump.
Red quickly got his feet off the desk, sitting straight and started writing onto a paper near by, pretending to seem busy.
He did a small fake cough before speaking
"Come..come in." Red called out and the door opened.
"Hey, Red." Y/N stepped in holding a clip board with a pen. Red looked up to his friend, assistant. "Oh, he-hello, Y/N." Red replied back, and stopped writing.
"I'm here too tell you your schedule, so if you don't mind me doing that..?"
Y/N smiled to him, closing the door behind him. Red looked him up and down, looking at his shoes then up to his chest, then to his head. He looks pretty in a suit.
"Of course, I don't mind. Fire away, Y/N."
Red nodded, giving him permission.
"Alright, you have a meeting today at 3:30, a appointment at 4:15," Y/N was reading off the schedule, looking down the whole time.
Red listening to him while also taking that as an excuse to stare.

He noticed all the slight wrinkles in his suit, his shoes quiet shiny, his skin looking smooth, soft. His eyes a pretty E/C, how his hands where firm, how he was standing in front of him. "Red..? Hey, Red?"
Red snapped out of his thoughts, realizing he dozed off. Rude, Red. Rude. Red thought to himself "I-im sorry. I was just thinking about something." Red sat up straight
giving a small awkward laugh.
"Well I hope you heard what I said."
Y/N said playfully raising an eyebrow
"Uh.." Red mumbled but Y/N continued to talk "Don't worry, I have to give you a 5 minute heads up anyway." He shrugged smiling to his boss.
"Oh. Okay, th-thanks, Y/N." Red gave a small nod and Y/N was almost on his way out before asking something
"You want anything? Coffee? Snack?"
Y/N opened the door, waiting for Reds response.
" please. Black coffee." Red leaned back in his chair tilting his head slightly. "Alright, be right back, Mate."
Y/N then left closing the door behind him, on his way to go make Red coffee.

Red sighed when he left, letting his shoulders drop down, his yarn blowing slightly in the air when he sighed.
Red then looked at all his paperwork deciding he should get working on it.
Few minutes later and Red heard a knock on the door. They knock twice then split second silence then knock three times.
It's own kinda pattern.
"Yeah?" Red said in a drowsy voice before he seen Y/N the one coming in. He was holding a cup of hot coffee.
"You sound tired already." Y/N joked as he placed Reds coffee onto his desk for Red to take. "Heh, hadn't had my coffee yet that's why." Red took the cup of coffee and used his other hand to move the yarn out of the way showing his mouth as he took a small drink. Y/N stared, unknowingly it was quiet obvious. Red glanced to him and stopped drinking, dropping the yarn.
"I'm sorry, d..did i disturb you..?"
Red asked anxiously and Y/N realized, instantly shaking his head feeling guilty.
"What-? No! No! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stared." Y/N looked away in shame, feeling mad at himself.
"It's okay. I get it.. people always get a little freaked out by" Red did a small weak chuckle looking down.
"Oh! No no! I'm not freaked out-!"
Y/N waved his hands up like he was defending him self. Red looked up in confusion on what he meant.
"What do you mean..?" Red tilted his head slightly to the side.
"In..a non..werid way..." Y/N slowly spoke, not making eye contact because he felt embarrassed about what he was about to say, his face starting to blush a cherry red.
"I think..your mouth It's cool, to me..I guess..?" Y/N squinted his eyes, slowly making eye contact with Red, rubbing his arm. He doesn't think it's weird?
Red thought for a moment before he felt his face get quiet heated.
"" Red blinked a few times
Y/N sighing "yeah, I know..kinda wei-"
Red cut him off before he could finish
"Thank you." Red softly said, with a small smile hiding. Y/N looked at him, quite surprised he wasn't weirded out
"Wait what." Y/N mumbled
batting his eyes. " one has ever told me that be-before. Usually people..get disgusted or terrified if they- they saw my..mouth." Red explained, shrugging his shoulders as his voice faded off.
Y/N stayed silent for a moment.
"Well... you're handsome to me.." Y/N said
shrugging his shoulders before he realized what he said. Why'd I say that? WHY'D I SAY THAT?! Y/N felt his face get more red then before, looking back to Red who had his eyes slightly wide from Y/Ns sudden compliment. "Uhm..I.." Y/N couldn't form any words, standing there awkwardly..

He thinks I'm handsome? I'm handsome!
Red felt a spark light from his heart, blush feeling up his face and an uncontrollable smile appearing. His yarn hiding it all, Y/N not being able to see, sadly.
Y/N did a fake cough "Well- I should get going-! Okay, bye, Red-! Enjoy your coffee!" Y/N quickly left feeling embarrassed as he walked off.

Red sat there, not being able to say goodbye back as Y/N left faster than light.
Red leaned back in his chair feeling the side of his face.
"He thinks I'm pretty.." Red felt excitement, his heart slightly pounding fast
getting flustered over such a word,
For the rest of the day, Y/N seemed quite awkward around Red. When he go in to give Red a five minutes heads up about his next task he sord of ignored eye contact.
Red noticed and kinda already knew why, reading Y/Ns feelings.

Y/N felt nervous, embarrassed.
Sure what he said could be 'like a friend thing' but Y/N said it not in a 'friend way'
more of a heart felt type thing.
Y/N was slightly overthinking it,
Like he just slept with his boss.
Red decided he'd talk to him after he was done with work, more of a thanks then it's okay type thing.
Time skip
It was finnaly the end of the day, and Y/N wanted to go home and rest. He was saying a few goodbyes to his co-workers then went on his way to the elevator.
Y/N clicked onto the button, hearing a small ding and whistled a small tune to himself before the elevator opened and he walked inside. He seen someone else walk inside as well, he did a small short glance to the other and then immediately froze up.
Aw crap. Aw crap. Crap..
Y/N silently panicked to himself,
Struggling not to make quick glances up to his boss, Red. Red was standing besides him looking straight forward.
Y/N heard the elevator doors close and felt a small shift knowing they were now going down. "Hey, Y/N.." Red spoke, breaking the silence between them.
Y/N looked up to him, slightly anxious but also curious. "Yes?" Y/N replied, his voice slightly weak. "Thanks for...what you said earlier." Red looked down to Y/N, his hands in his pockets. "What I said..?"
Y/N tried playing dumb but it obviously didn't work. "You know w-what I mean..
I appreciate that, you know." Red did a small chuckle "it made me feel..." Red went quite for a moment then spoke "happy."
Happy. Happy was a word Red thought of to explain his feelings. Happy.
Y/N did a small smile "uhm..heh yeah.. you're welcome, Red." Y/N felt relieved,
Red saying he was happy with what Y/N said made Y/N feel relaxed, feel good.
The elevator doors opened and they both walked twords the doors leading out side. "And, Y/N" Red spoke getting Y/Ns attention, him doing a small hm?
"I think you're...pretty.. handsome too, heh." Red smiled before he walked off In another direction to his car, Y/N watching walk off as Y/N started feeling a big smile form onto his face.
He thinks I'm handsome.
1590 words

Hope you liked this chapter!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes-

Busy and stuff.

Anyway, if you have any chapter ideas
(Fluff) I would love to hear them:)
I'm kinda running out of stuff to do:'(

Bye bye 💕

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