woods, crowded tent

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Y/N was sitting in bed watching TV as it  was the weekend meaning, no work, days off. Y/N was happily enjoying his show, comfy in bed before he heard a knock on the door, a loud but gentle knock. Y/N let out a small groan not wanting to get up but rolled out of bed and lazily walked his way to the door.
He looked through the eyehole and seen Red standing on the other side quiet awkwardly.
Y/N smiled, but also curious about his sudden company. He opened the door meeting face to face with Red who slightly jumped when he opened the door.
"Hey, Red! What's up?" Y/N slightly tilted his head curious. "Hey, Y/N..! Uhm..I came over to ask if you wanted to co-come camping with me, Duck, and Manny.." Red motioned behind him, politely speaking with his slight stutter peaking through.
Y/N thought for a moment
Camping? I haven't gone camping in forever.. "uhh...camping?" Y/N said, as he couldn't think of an answer right off the bat. "Ye-yeah..it's fine if you don't-!"
Red let out a nervous laugh, seeming to be anxious of asking In the first place.
Y/N thought of the pros and cons but then thought of Red, seeing he could get to know him better so...
...why the hell not?
Y/N finnaly made a decision, happily answering back "Yeah, sure! I don't see why not." Y/N shrugged his shoulders, looking up to Red, Reds eyes brighten.
"Oh! really-? Okay..we'll be leaving in a bit so, you know.." Red fiddled with his hands as he slightly shrugged his shoulders
Y/N let out a small chuckle "okay..I'll be ready soon! Won't take long!"
Y/N said and Red started to walk off waving a small goodbye.
Time skip because..idk.
Y/N had packed some clothes in a small backpack he had in storage. He went outside to meet up with Red
Red was putting stuff into the trunk of his car, trying to make sure everything fit.
"Hey, Red. Got my clothes." Y/N showed him the backpack "ah, good. Do you wanna put it here or..?" Red asked curiously, not
finishing his sentence but Y/N knowing what he meant anyway.
"Uhm, sure you can put it with the rest of the stuff. ...please." manners, Y/N, manners.
Red nodded, and Y/N handed him the backpack it leaving Y/Ns hand as he seen Red stuff it with the other things.
Red then closed the trunk, Y/N taking a step back not wanting to get his finger squished.
"Y/N! Y/N!" A cheerful voice called out, Y/N turning to see Manny running twords him happily. Y/N opened his arms getting ready for Manny's hug, Manny jumped in Y/Ns arms giving him tight squeeze to show his excitement. "Oh wow! You're strong!" Y/N said as a joke but also being half serious as kids for some reason have massive strength while also struggle to try and lift a book.
Y/N now was holding Manny, Manny being surprisingly light for his age but he also is a puppet so it makes sense.
Red had a small smile grow into his face, seeing Manny so happy by Y/Ns company as Red knew he liked Y/Ns company as well.
Duck soon came out after, having headphones and a neck pillow.
"Were going camping not on a plane"
Y/N said with sarcasm, Duck scoffed at him
"Oh shush! I don't need your opinion, because I wasn't even listening anway!"
Duck smiled before he opened the back car door and climbed inside.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Y/N said as he put Manny down so he could go take a seat in the back.
"What was that?!" Duck called from the car
"Nothing! Don't worry about it!"
Y/N chukled, seeing Duck being offended oddly funny. "So, all set? Re-ready to go?"
Red asked Y/N, Y/N nodded twords them and both got inside the car on their way to go camping.

Red soon pulled up to a small park, stopping the car as Manny clapped his hands in excitement. Duck was sleeping but slowly started to wake up, his body sensing they made it. Y/N fell asleep during the ride, it took 2 hrs to arrive so sleeping was a way to pass time. Red sighed and looked back to Manny "ready?" He asked and Manny nodded happily. "Come on! Come on!" Manny struggled to undo his seatbelt before finnaly getting it and running out of the car. "Ugh..wait you delinquent! Before you get lost!" Duck yapped, getting off the far to make sure he doesn't get stuck in a tree or a hole.
Red turned to Y/N, seeing he hasn't woken up yet. Red looked at him for a moment.
Seeing Y/Ns mouth slightly open, his chest moving slowly up and down as his eyes stayed completely closed. Red gulped, feeling his face heat up before he realized what he was doing.
Your staring at someone in their sleep, Red!
That's creepy!
Red, shook his head before he looked back to Y/N and slowly rose his hand up and patted Y/Ns shoulder a few times.
"Hey, Y/N.. we're..h-here"
Red let out a small chuckle and Y/N  began to open his eyes slowly.
Red moved his hand away, watching Y/N as Y/N was getting his head out of his dreams.
"Were..we're here?? Al.. already?"
Y/N stretched In his seat, letting out a long yawn. "You were asleep for almost 2 hrs, heh." Red shrugged his shoulders.
"That makes..sense." Y/Ns words where slightly slurred, rubbing his eyes before looking behind him.
"Where's the others?" Y/N asked pointing behind him seemingly to be awake now.
"They got off not that long ago." Red said to him before he opened the car door
"Ready?" Red asked and Y/N nodded with a smile and they both got off.

Red guy x Male reader (FOR FUN!) Where stories live. Discover now