under weather, worried cherry

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A/N- Cockling...anyway-
In the threes house (Red, Duck, and Manny)
They all have their own room! Just thought I mention that!!
Red heard his alarm going off, it kept ringing on his desk before he pressed a button to make it stop before rubbing his eyes and getting up.  He stretched out his arms and back, letting out a long yawn before shaking his head making himself more awake and aware of his surroundings. He got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom, passing the two other rooms quiet as possible, it was 7AM.
Time for Red to get ready for work!
Red grabbed his scarf before heading out, seeing Y/Ns house and how his lights were still out. Y/N usually takes longer to get up
for work, as Red is the boss so he's mostly more important for his presence to be their in the office of course.

As he looked to Y/Ns house he thought of last night. How Y/N left his soft kiss on his cheek, Red felt like he could still feel his soft lips against his cherry skin. Red felt himself get heated from the thought of it, letting out a sigh to get a hang of himself before walking to his car, he doesn't want to be late to work.


He had arrived, and made his way inside
feeling more awake then usual, happy, fuzzy inside.
He got to his office and sat down in his chair, humming a song to himself sounding like a happy humming bird as he then started to wait for another's company,,

Y/N was all he could think about, his smile, his laugh, his voice. Him. Just him himself made Red feel so bright, excitement he wasn't use to. Reds heart got so happy when
Y/N was around. He liked it when they joked, or when Red got to hold him close.
But, Red doesn't know how he could explain such a feeling to him?
How would Red tell Y/N the emotions he made Red feel?
I Like you? No, too..bland. I appreciate you?
No, not the right word.
I Dig you? No. That just doesn't..sound right.

What word, what word? What word!
Red felt like a reck, his mind all over the place. He couldn't stop thinking about it, he felt lost. Okay...just say..uhm... damnit.
Red groaned, he put his head down onto the desk feeling defeated.
Few minutes later he heard a knock on the door, but it was plain. Bland, boring
Red didn't know who that was, so he just let out a small "what." And the door opened.
Red sat up, leaning slightly back in his chair  rocking side to side seeing an employee walk inside.
"Hey..Red. so uhm...you got a meeting today at like- 3:00.." They said, looking down repeatedly to the clipboard.
Red raised an eyebrow, confused and disappointed. "Why is Y/N not here? Isn't this his job? W-was there something I wasn't told?" Red asked, leaning slightly forward, calmly but demanding answers.
"Oh..uh- Y/N called in today, sir. He's sick, I think." They replied back with a unsure answer, Red felt off about that.
Sick? He seemed just fine last night?
"Mhm..." Red mumbled to himself looking off into the distance before speaking again "alright, continue." Red waved his hand and the employee began to go on, reading off the schedule.

what's wrong with Y/N?

Time skip

Red was finnaly done with his work, he felt bored and alone the whole time he was there. He felt distracted too, worried.
Worried about Y/N, worried why he didn't come in. It can't be because he's sick... isn't it? Red was in his car, he hasn't taken off yet. Stuck in his thoughts as he rubbed his eyes Was it because of last night?
Should I go..talk to him?
I should right? Right?
Red sighed, then looked up and started the car getting closer to taking off.
Maybe..I should..get him something first.
Red hummed to himself, making a final decision as he made his way not to home but to the store.

Y/N was laying in bed looking at the ceiling,
being distracted by his mind all day as he couldn't go out because he called in sick.
Of course, he actually wasn't sick..
But he couldn't deal with what he did last night. He felt so nervous to see Red, he didn't know what he would do or say.
What could he say? A sorry?
Y/N rubbed his eyes in frustration
"Stupid.. stupid.. stupid.." Y/N mumbled to himself, his voice low and quiet.
He felt tired
He's been home all day, on a work day.
Not the best, but Y/N just felt the need to.
He felt bored, lonely. He kinda missed work...no not work,,, he missed Red.
He wanted to see Red but Also not see him..??
Y/N sighed before hearing a knock on the door. Without a second thought Y/N let out a soft groan and got up to answer the door. He grabbed the door knob and twisted, the door cracked open and Y/Ns eyes slightly widen.

Ah, shit. Why didn't I check first-?
Y/N met eyes with Red, Red still in his works clothes looking down to Y/N.
Red holding his hands behind his back,
Y/N didn't take notice to it.
"Red..." Y/N said with a off tone, not sure what to say next, his hand still holding the door open.
"Y/N.." Red said after, a little 'heh' peaked through. "Y-you feeling alright?"
Red asked shortly after, tilting his head to the side a tiny bit. "Uh..yeah. I'm fine-"
Y/N shrugged, he couldn't keep the eye contact so he just made his eyes wonder to the ground..
God this is awkward. I hate it.
Y/N thought to himself, both standing in some silence before Y/N sighed and looked back up to Red.
"Look, Red, about what happened last night.." Y/N began to speak, going his way to apologizing before Red interrupted him.
"I-I got you something-" Red then took one of his hands out from his back showing the present.
"You..you what?" Y/N asked with a curious tone, his shoulders dropping down.
He looked down to the sudden gift, seeing the bouquet of flowers. Y/N felt a small smile creep into his face.
"You got this for me..?" Y/N let out a small laugh as he took the flowers looking at all the pretty flowers and different petals.
Red began to explain why, speaking fast causing him to stutter awfully a lot.
"Yea-yeah...I thought you'd would- would like some..you know-? Because you're sick and I thought maybe you- you would like if I brought you some flowers- cause..flowers are pretty and I thought- the flowers they reminded me of- of you and- and- maybe they would.." Red let out a groan,
He held his hands up to his face
"I don't know- where I'm going with this-"
He shakes his head, speaking into his hands. Y/N looked to the flowers then to Red, Y/Ns face began to blush as he let out a laugh getting Reds point.
"No, no, it's okay...I think it's- cute."
Y/N softly smiled, pulling the flowers closer to his chest. Red looked twords him, peaking through his hands.
"Really?" Red put his hands down,
letting out a nervous laugh.
Y/N gave a small nod, before Red took a breath in then a deep breath out.
"Look- I get why you d-didn't come to work today." Red softly spoke
twords Y/N, Y/Ns face turning red.
"Oh- yeah..I'm sorry about that..I'm sorry about last night-" Y/N started to apologize, cutting off his eye contact with Red before Red interrupted him. "I liked it." He said boldly, looking down to Y/N. 
"Huh?" Y/Ns voice was confused, he looked to Red instantly after he spoke.
"The kiss...I liked it" Red shrugged, giving a small awkward laugh.
Y/N felt his heart flutter, about to die from
happiness. "You..you liked the kiss-? Like really, really?" Y/N slightly leaned forward, Red not moving an inch away.
"I...like you. Well- m-more then like I guess I could s-say.." Red rubbed his arm, trying to find the words to explain his feelings.
Y/N stood there quiet, completely listening.
"Y-you make me feel..warm. fuzzy, like there's butterflies in my st-stomach..in a good wa-way." Red looked to his stomach,
trying his best to make sure he was being 100% honest with his words.
"You make me feel, good. Happy- you know?...like I..I love you. I love you, Y/N" Red nodded, taking a small step forward twords Y/N. Y/Ns eyes brighten, his face turning a bright red as he felt his heart jump from such a word. Love
He felt his hands tightening on the bouquet of flowers. He began to smile brightly, letting out a small happy laugh not being able to contain it.
Red tilted his head slightly to the side
"Do you..fe-feel the same..?" He questioned before Y/N pulled him into a hug.
"Of course I feel the same way-!"
Y/N nuzzled into him happily, not being able to say much but he could show it.
Red took a second before he hugged back
feeling Y/Ns warmth, he body against his.
Y/N looked up to him, looking him in the eye with a droopy smile.
"I love you too, Red." Y/N softly spoke, still having his arms around Red.
Red felt a smile grow onto his face, making him laugh happily.
He grabbed onto Y/Ns chin, slightly leaning down as he moved his yarn out the way and gave Y/N a small peck on the cheek.
Y/N let out a small chuckle, looking to Reds face seeing his smile.
"I love your smile.." Y/N kept Reds yarn out of the way, pushing it back.
Y/N then gave him a kiss right above his mouth. "I love you so much." Y/N rubbed the side of his face, seeing Reds face start to blush.

What a lovely day.

1720 words

Hope you liked this chapter
Sorry for any spelling mistakes-


Sorry this took me so long..
I been very tired lately lol

It's currently 2AM as I wrote this.
Please have mercy 😪

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