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"Hn. Naruto... Where the hell have I heard it???" I grumbled as I looked at the ticket in my hand that Karin gave me.

I guess Naruto and Karin are close. I wonder how they got to be close??.. the more I wonder about this guy, the more crazy I'm getting.

Whatever. This setup will definitely suck, but to make Karin happy I better do it... She looked so enthusiastic about it, too.

I walked down the street to my quiet apartment. Even the street was quiet. It was a nice neighborhood.

...I'm feeling a little..


What exactly happened when I was drunk?


"Hmph." I groaned, sitting down at my desk. I scrolled through my recommended feed, suddenly seeing some blonde.

He seemed familiar which is what caught my eye. Maybe it's his almost annoying shade of blonde hair. No, wait. Maybe it's his eyes. They're a bright ocean blue, with specks of teal.

"Not too bad looking, even though you dress lousy anywhere but work." I chuckled.

What an idiot, this guy.

He was just a year younger than me. His pretty skin was sun kissed, and he often wore street clothes to anywhere other than work.

I went through his pictures, looking at him in each one, not paying attention to much that's actually going on.

I feel like such a stalker, but there's something about him.. what is it?

He looks almost innocent, a goofy kind of guy with a good sense of humor, but someone who is also confident and can hold their own.

I liked that.

But I've got partners. Well.. not anymore. But I'm going to get some. Maybe I just need to get laid.

"Ha.. haha!" I laughed, realizing. "What am I saying! A man like me saying this idiot is attractive?! I must be exhausted."

I groaned, throwing my phone to the side. "I'll just get this stupid setup over with so I can get some partners and actually get laid. I don't have time playing around with people who aren't like me. This guy's.. the complete opposite. There's no way in hell I'll get with him."


"Alright. I'm here. Where is he?" I muttered, my voice a bit muffled by the rain that began falling down from the sky. What timing.

"Ah.. he's always late to everything. Give him a shot though, please!" Karin tried convincing me once again.

"Yeah.. whatever. This guy seems pretty lousy to me." I muttered.

After waiting a long time, probably around 15 minutes, Naruto was running, his hair and outfit soaking wet.

What the hell... He didn't bring an umbrella!
I thought to myself as I hung up the phone, watching the blonde's hair turn to an almost brown color.

He was wearing a suit, though the coat was missing. The wetness of the rain leaked through the thin, white shirt, making it transparent.

"I, I'm sorry, ugh," he huffed as he finally stood in front of me.

I grabbed my umbrella, holding it above us. We were only inches apart.

"Maybe tonight wasn't the best night to go on a date..." I mumbled, looking at the dark gray sky.

I felt his hand wrap around mine, which was holding the umbrella up. "We can still have a date night." He quickly responded, almost as if he was desperate.

Enhanced Love ~ NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now