Men Don't Cry

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I closed my eyes, trying to pretend this man was Naruto. But it wasn't working. I started feeling even lonelier. "Ughh... Get off..." I muttered.

"What?" Jugo asked angrily. "Don't be ridiculous. Get the hell off me." I muttered at his angry sigh.

"What the hell!" Jugo complained.
"Ah. Naruto did this too." I laughed to myself.

"Huh?! Who's Naruto?!" Jugo said with a huff. I grinned at him slowly. "None of your business."

"It IS my business! Did you forget that we're supposed to be fuck buddies??" He furrowed his brow.

"Oh, please. You don't satisfy me at all. I let you go forever ago. Naruto at least knows about rhythm." I poked fun at him. "You should find some other loser to have sex with."

"Man, you sure talk a lot for being an Uchiha!"

"Yeah? Funny how you still are willing to fuck an Uchiha, then."

"Ugh!! I'm leaving!" He angrily huffed, getting his clothes on and leaving in a hurry.

I groaned, pulling clothes back off me. "Ugh, I smell disgusting." I mumbled.

I quickly got in the shower a few minutes later, turning the water to a hot temperature. I felt my cold body start to heat up. Naruto flashed in my head as I craved his scent.

"Hic.. hn.. hic!" I sobbed, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tears. This is ridiculous. I don't know why, but I can't stop crying.

I miss him. Is that it? No, I'm just horny. And he's the one that satisfies me most, right? Yeah... I'm just horny!

"Nngh.. hic.."

But that doesn't explain why I'm crying... I shouldn't be this emotional over a loser like him...

I felt my heart thump loudly at my chest as the water hit my back. "Tch.. damn it!" I slammed my fist against the shower wall.

"Why is my head like this?! Ugh!" I gritted my teeth.
"Get off.. he said get off... But I want to call him right now. This is fucking with my head, man..." I muttered a few minutes later. "I don't want to be alone tonight... Hic.." I sobbed.


I dried my hair with a soft, warm towel, tying another around my waist. I stepped out of the bathroom, checking my phone. I clicked on Naruto's contact, seeing no messages or calls.

"Damn it..." I muttered.
I got dressed into some comfy clothes. I threw myself into bed, turning off the lights to get some sleep.

I want Naruto... I want him with me...

I breathed heavily.
Naruto's scent... Naruto's heat... I remember it so clearly. I want it...

I woke up, in a cold sweat, yelling Naruto's name in fear. I gasped for air. "Haa.... What the fuck...." I gripped the bed sheets.

I looked outside, seeing it was already raining again.

"Fuck it..."

I put on some shoes, immediately running outside.
"Naruto... Naruto..." I huffed as I ran quickly.

The rain made me soaking wet as I ran and ran. And it was freezing. I couldn't even feel my nose anymore.

I shivered as I reached Naruto's door. I looked at my watch. "2 am... Is it okay for me to be doing this?... Ah, fuck it..."

I banged on Naruto's door in a rush. Tears mixed with the rain that fell down my face.

Naruto slowly but surely answered. "Who ... Is --"
He paused as he saw me huffing.

Naruto quickly pulled me inside. "What are you doing! You'll catch a cold like that! Come on, get those clothes off... I'll get you some new ones--" he asserted me, quickly taking my clothes off.

"Naruto, wait! Ugh.." I groaned. "You should really take a bath in case... A warm bath. Come on," he grabbed my hand and brought me to his rather big bathroom.

"I'll start the water for you..."

"God damn it, Naruto!" I grabbed his hand, yelling. "Do you.. do you have any idea why I've come here?!" I sobbed.

"Hic.. I just.. fucking missed you! I admit it! I missed you! I want to hug you, and to have your warmth! I want to kiss your soft lips, and feel your head against mine!" I yelled as I was crying.

Naruto was frozen. "Huh?"
He smiled for a second, but his eyes became teary, and he began to cry too. "Haha... Sasuke..." Naruto placed a hand at his forehead.

Naruto closed his eyes, placing a hand on the back of my head, and pulling his other arm around me, pulling me into a warm hug. "It'll be okay. I promise, it will be okay..."

I felt his heart beat against mine. I felt a rush through my blood and I began feeling much more calm. "Haa... Naruto..." I cried of relief.

"I.. I love you... I love you..." I mumbled, unsure if he even heard it or not. He kissed my cheek gently. "I love you too."


My eyes fluttered as I heard birds chirping outside the window. "Hngh...." I groaned. My arms were wrapped around the sun kissed blonde.

I rustled through the blankets, sinking myself into the bed lower to see his pretty face more.
"Hn," I hugged him tightly.

I'm not letting ago again.

"Good morning, Sasuke~" a grin went across his face. "Good morning .." I muttered as I closed my eyes, feeling his warmth against my body as I held him close.

"I've gotta go to work, Sasuke." He mumbled with a small chuckle. "Nooo, don't go ..." I held him tighter.

"I have to, unfortunately."
He paused for a minute, and I slowly let go.
He got up and Naruto smiled at me softly as I grabbed his hand. "When I get back, we can spend as much time as you want together." He ran his fingers through my dark hair and then kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you later,"
I nodded, letting go of his hand. "Bye..." I mumbled and he left the door.


I sat at his house, looking at a picture of him and a read head woman, who I assumed was his mother. His father was to the right of Naruto as well. They looked a lot alike, actually.

I smiled, seeing a giant grin plastered on his face as he stood in front of a famous statue. He was really young in this picture. I'd assume 12 or 13.

"Haha... What an idiot." I laughed softly.
Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. I went to check what it was.

"Ah, an unknown number?... It's probably spam." I muttered, sighing as I opened the notification. It was a message...

Your new lover is hot, isn't he? He wouldn't mind sharing, hm?~ I'm talking to him later today. Bye, Sasuke.

"W-what?" My voice was shakey.
Who is this?... It can only be.. ah... It must be Jugo. He had been pissed off at me lately... But still... This is crossing the line, isn't it?...

I shivered at the thought of losing Naruto yet again.
"I've gotta find Naruto... Before it's too late."

I quickly ran to Naruto's workplace, running in, asking people where he was and such in a rush.

"Have you seen a tan blonde around here? With blue eyes? He's also a bit tall..." I questioned.

"Oh, he's in his office! I can go ahead and let you in. Follow me." A woman said. I followed her to a gray toned room. "In there." She smiled.

I nodded, thanked her, and opened the door. It was empty...??

I quickly left outside, to the side of the building. "Ah, finally!!" I said to myself as I saw the top of the blonde's head.

But as I got closer... I realized that it wasn't all that exciting to find him after all.

As I got close, I saw an orange haired guy. Jugo.
"No..." I mumbled to myself.

"I can't lose you again.... Not again..."

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