Boy Problems

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"nnn.. ng!" I groaned as he unbuckled my jeans. "What a whore, it's dripping already? I barely touched you." He chuckled.

"I-it's because.. of you..." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"Ohh.. all this, for me? That's so.. erotic..." Naruto slowly grunted as he grabbed my hand, pulling it to his member.

My hand wrapped around his clothed dick tightly. I gasped, feeling it. "I want to fuck you already," he confessed, beginning to pant as he rubbed my hand on his erect member.

Finally, we made it to his house seconds later. Without even stopping to look at the car, he quickly got out. I quickly zipped up my pants, following behind.

The second he unlocked his front door, he pulled me in, pinning me to the wall roughly, slipping his soft and warm tongue into my mouth.

My hand rose to his neck and he bent his head to my neck, biting down on my shoulder blade. "Agh!" I grunted loudly. He wiped his mouth, excited for more.

"Hey.. let's go to the bedroom..." I mumbled. Naruto pulled away, nodding.

"Haa.. okay.." Naruto replied, and we made our way to his bedroom, which was cozy with lights hanging from his window and some posters.

He pushed me into the bed, going in for another French kiss, this time grabbing my crotch tightly. "Mmf..." I moaned through the kiss.

We backed away for air once again. Naruto wiped his lips, looking around. "You like to be tied up, so we'll do that..."


Naruto grabbed the chains, typing me to the back of the bed.

"I'll make you wear a blindfold, too."

Wait, so what's the difference? I want something new... Not that this isn't arousing, but...

"Ah... Haa, nng!-"

I heard the sound of Naruto's deep and raspy moans and the sound of.. something else.

Wait .. he's not.. is he?

"W-what are you...?" I tried to move to take off the blindfold but couldn't, since I was chained up.

"Mm, S-Sasuke! Ah!" He moaned some more, making my body have a tingling sensation.

Ah, no, this is bad! I want him to touch me, damn it!

"N-Naruto.." I whimpered.

He's definitely masturbating, knowing it's a good method to tease me and drive me insane.

"Hnng!" He let out a final moan, making me try to move roughly, causing the chains to make a jingle as I leapt.

I felt a warm hand move to the blindfold, and he gently uncovered my face with it. His head was tilted up, his eyes watery, and drool dripping down his mouth.

"Ha.. hah..." He huffed.
Naruto moved to the side, grabbing something out of a drawer.

A ball strap...?
"You really got aroused from that, hmm?"

He seemed to love restraining my movement and controlling me, which, oddly enough, was extremely hot.


Naruto chuckled upon seeing me like this. This feels weird, ah...

"Hnng!" I grunted as Naruto shoved two fingers in my hole. "I want to put it in already.. ugh..."

My eyes watered as Naruto ripped his fingers out, and soon pushing in his hardened dick. "Anng!--" I yelled out, which was a challenge with the strap.

Naruto thrusted, bending down and kissed my neck gently, which turned to sucking roughly, leaving dark, love marks all over my body.

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