Payback (Finale)

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"Hm.. it's pretty serious..."

"Are you kidding me?! It's beyond that! It's a fucking lie!" Jugo screamed at the cop. "There's written proof," the cop let out a smug face. "So, Mr. Uchiha, would you like to press charges?"

Those words made me laugh to myself. Who would let what Jugo did slide? Between him and my father, there's no way I wouldn't press charges. "Yes," I laughed, "who wouldn't when he looks like that..."

And so I pressed charges. I went to court, and of course, there was evidence against him. Naruto sat beside me the whole time as the judge announced who would be in trouble. Clearly it would be Jugo.

"Hah," I grinned. "Guess it's not really so funny anymore, Jugo." Naruto looked at me and smiled for a moment. I stayed silent. Naruto wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into another one of his comforting hugs.

The hug which would normally only take a few seconds lasted nearly a minute before he finally backed away. He ran his hand through my dark hair slowly, pulling it back as he kissed my forehead.

A shade of red went across my face. Even though we'd done even more, he never failed to make me feel like this.

Though I'd tried before, there wasn't much of a word for how I felt when he called my name or kissed me. His beauty always rushed over me.

There was no way I could turn somebody like him away. He's the only person to satisfy me mentally and physically.
I never would've thought I'd be here today with him.

Truth is, I'm in love with him. It's not just guy I wanna kiss, or some guy I can be satisfied physically with. It's somebody I wanna spend the rest of my life with. Somebody who would be worthy of my time. Somebody who could bring out the best of me.

He enhanced me, he enhanced my feelings, he enhanced my love for him.

He enhanced every ability I had to care for a person.

I love you.

And I gently held him back.

Enhanced Love ~ NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now