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"So how'd the date go?" Karin asked.

I calmly handed her tickets back to her. "It started raining before we even got to the theater."

She paused before taking the tickets from me. "So... You guys didn't do anything?"

"W-well..." I avoided eye contact from her. "It wasn't expected, I guess, but I'll keep him around... Just for a little bit longer."

Karin smiled softly at that. "It wasn't bad after all then. That's good! I told you he wasn't all that bad."

She fixed her glasses as I paused to decide what to say. "Karin... I have a question."

"Hm?" She asked, looking back at me. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Has Naruto.. had any girlfriends or boyfriends before me?" I asked curiously, a little worried as to what her answer would be.

She giggled. "Why do you wanna know that? Man, you must've fell head over heels for him!"

"What?! No! We're just fu- I mean.. ugh!" I groaned at her, who was just trying to annoy me at this point.

"You're just what??? Oh my god!" She laughed harder. I cringed. "Ughh, just answer my questionnn..." I muttered.

Karin finally stopped laughing. "Well... He was only with one other person, I think. In high school. I think her name was Hinata? Hinata Hyuga?... She was pretty quiet."

"Huh?" I looked, interested.
"Yeah. They were together for a while but I heard they broke up on bad terms." She laughed.

I nodded as I followed behind Karin. "She sounds pathetic." I said with a chuckle.

"Hey! Naruto!" Karin suddenly yelled. Her hand was raised in the air high, waving. "Funny to catch you here." The blonde said, walking up to us.

Woah... He's wearing a suit?... Ah.. this feeling!...

I felt a rush at my heart. "Sasuke! Great to see you too!!" He went up to me, attempting to hug me.

"Ah, y-yes, Naruto!" I froze up.
He looks so different today. His hair was slicked back, leaving just the baby hairs to hit his forehead.

I wanna kiss him.

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me gently. My head hit his warm chest.

A surge of energy hit me, and I felt myself shake for a moment. "Uhh... K-Karin!" I quickly backed away from the hug.

"You know.. me and Naruto have something to discuss! Can we save our tea time for some other day?" Naruto looked at me with a confused face.

Karin fixed her glasses. "Sure, I guess?"
"Thanks!" I pulled Naruto's hand and began walking.

"Hey, now you're switching the roles?" Naruto joked.
"Well, do you want to fuck me or not?" I said sternly and sighed.

"Can't we go out on another date, though?" Naruto suggested. I shook my head. "We're not dating. We're fuck buddies. So..."

I paused, turning around to him. My hand ran up his neck, and I pushed it down a bit.

"Satisfy me."

Naruto's eyes widened as I kissed him gently. "If you want more, let's go to your house."

His frown turned to a smirk. "You sure it's not too far away?"

"Are you mocking me?" I laughed, plastering a grin on my face.

"Then let's go to my house, pretty boy." He flicked my forehead.

"Fine. Don't expect me to go easy though."

"Hahaha! You? I'm the one in control. Remember that." He smiled, grabbing my chin.

"Hn. I'll follow you, idiot."

"That's what I like to hear."




I moaned, feeling his dick reach inside me. My back arched. "Move your hips."

I bit my lip hard.
"Move your fucking hips like the whore you are." He said, catching my attention.

My legs surrounded his, my torso just above his legs. I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his warm body.

I love how warm he is.

I obeyed him and moved my hips like he wanted me to. He made small moans and let out small sighs as I thrusted his dick inside of me.

"Do you know how lucky you are?" He said in a deep tone. "You've caught my eye for a long time," he smirked.

"S-shut up," I groaned.
"Remember, don't cum and you'll get a reward." Naruto smirked.

"Be a good boy for me." His hand softly touched my cheek, and then moved to my hair. He gripped it tightly, making me wince.

"Ah.. yes." The blonde pushed my chin up, running his hand down my adams apple, and to my nipple. "These seem to be doing the trick." He said, grinning at the clamps that were on my nipples.

He gently tugged at them. "Ugh!" I grunted. The dominant blonde continued to thrust himself inside of me, teasing me every now and then.

"I-I'm close...!" I moaned, feeling myself start to shiver.

"Remember what I said, Sasu." Naruto said sternly.

"Don't call me that..." I muttered.

"Why not?"

"Just- nng! Don't! If you reach deep like that, I'll.."

"Answer my question." He said dominantly.

"We aren't dating. Don't give me a nickname.. we're just fuck buddies..." I said perfectly, as he'd paused movement.

His eyes went wide. "Get off."
"What?" I questioned.

"Get off." He repeated himself.
"B-but, we didn't finish the play..." I said nervously.

"I'm not feeling well. Let's do it some other time."

"Huh???" I asked.

"Please listen to me." Naruto said with a sigh.
I listened to him. It would only be right to. Though I was a bit worried. It was pretty random, and he was all over me just a minute ago...

I showered, eventually getting dressed. Naruto was sitting up on the already made bed, scrolling through his feed on his phone.

"Naruto..." I mumbled.

He looked up at me.
"I'll be going now," I said with a worried expression. The blue eyed man nodded. "Have a good night."

"You look at if you're going to cry. How can I leave you like that?" I questioned.

"I don't cry. Besides, we're just fuck buddies right? That shouldn't matter." Naruto answered quickly.



And so I went home. What else was I going to do? It was late at night, I had nowhere to go. A club? It didn't seem right to go and get another fuck buddy when Naruto is around. He satisfies me more than anybody else, it's almost laughable comparing him to others.

Naruto was just convenient. That's it. Still, something seems off.

I walked home in the cold weather. "Ugh... I hate November... It's always so cold." I muttered, trying to heat up my hands by rubbing them together.

"I'm going to get sick at this rate..." I sighed. Luckily, I finally made it to my house 10 minutes later.


I laid in bed, awkwardly sitting. I was pretty uncomfortable, cold, and lonely today...

My head pressed against the pillow hard. I want somebody with me... But I can't contact Naruto, cause he's upset... What do I do?! Ugh!

I sat there for a few minutes, debating the next decision. I reached for my phone, and pressed on the contact number, and then pressed call.

"Hey, Jugo.
I know it's late. Can you come to my place?"

Enhanced Love ~ NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now