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"oh, look who it is. The whore finally made it." Jugo smirked.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't know who you are, but you need to back off. I already told you I'm in a relationship with him." Naruto said in a very annoyed voice.

I looked in Naruto's confused and angry eyes, then looked at Jugo, who was clearly here only to piss me off.

"Jugo, can't you just fuck off?! You're so fucking butthurt about me not liking you. Take the hint and piss off!" I huffed. Jugo's eyes were wide.

His wide eyes soon softened though as he began to smirk. "You like Sasuke so much? He's a slut. He goes around fucking everybody. And yet, nobody can pleasure him! It's never enough! How disgusting." Jugo said proudly.

Naruto started laughing. "Is that why I pleasure him and you don't? Are you just jealous of me? You don't actually like me, you just want an excuse to fuck around with Sasuke." He said cockily.

They continued to argue. I felt myself getting more and more uneasy as they fought harder and harder, each time getting ruder and more brutal than the next.

"Stop it!" I yelled as Naruto grabbed Jugo by the collar. "You know, you're really starting to piss me off." Naruto said angrily.

"You can go to jail for this.. nng.." Jugo growled. Naruto laughed. "Yeah? And you harassing Sasuke for no fucking reason? Or are we going to forget that bit?"

"Naruto, let go of him!" I yelled. Naruto looked at me for a second and turned back to the pitiful Jugo, who was cowering at Naruto.

" fine." He muttered before throwing Jugo down. Jugo sat and almost cried, or at least, he looked as if he was going to cry.

"Jesus... You're going to go to jail if you do things like that..." I mumbled under my breath. Naruto was clenching his fists before, but he was just now releasing them.

Naruto didn't reply to my comment though, and instead stormed off. Was he mad at me? Or maybe he was just really mad at the situation, and wanted to leave. But it seemed like the first of the two.

I stepped towards Jugo, angry that he made Naruto storm off like that. "Go home. And stop harassing
me. This isn't a fucking circus."

Jugo, who was shaken up by the whole thing, nodded in a fast motion. I quickly left, trying to follow Naruto. "W-wait! What's wrong?!" I ran after him.

"Are you mad at me? Hey!"
Naruto had paused at a car door, which was obviously his.

"I can't believe that asshole went all the way to your office to say that.. hey, stop it!" I finally grabbed Naruto roughly, hoping for him to pay attention to me.

Naruto looked at me with dull eyes. "Ah..." I froze up. "Should I take you home? Come on, snap out of it, Naruto."

Naruto frowned. "Get in the car." He demanded as his head flipped down and forward to the wheel. "Okay..." I muttered.


I awkwardly sat in the car as Naruto closed the door for me then went to his side and got in.

"Jugo, that's his name right?" Naruto groaned. "Yeah.. he's a prick." I muttered in response.

"...Apparently you guys fucked right before you sucked up to me, hm?" He sighed, keeping his angry face.

"Uh... W-wait, what?" I blinked a few times, confused. "'Sucked up'..??"

" went to Jugo for comfort, not me."

"Naruto, you were angry with me. I couldn't just go to you. And, I was still figuring things out you know...!"

"I wasn't angry though. I'd never be angry at you. You've got a face nobody could be mad at."

I paused upon hearing that. How the hell could I respond?

"... I was just figuring my feelings out... It wasn't meant to upset you. And I'm not sure why he said we fucked, because the minute he climbed over me, I told him to get off of me. I didn't want somebody else's touch. I wanted yours." I said quietly, just enough for him to hear. Almost a whisper.

Naruto's hand creeped over to my chin. He then smiled. "I just wanted you to say it."

Shocked, I brought his hand to my face and nuzzled against it. "I'll always ever want your touch only, Naruto,"

His hand moved down my side and to my leg, moving towards my inner thigh. "This is déjà vu, isn't it?" He chuckled.

"Are you going to tell me that your house is too far away next?" He whispered.

I bit my lip as he gripped my crotch. "Nng..." I groaned as he rubbed his hand against it.

"Sasuke." Naruto said dominantly.
My head became fuzzy as it was overrun by lustful thoughts. I looked up at the road.

Hey, wait a minute. I recognize this road... But it's not too close to my house... Where have I seen it then?... Wait..

...We've been on the way to Naruto's house this whole time..?

"Hah.. haha... You perv..." I chuckled upon realizing it. Naruto smirked at me, and his hand rose to my shirt and he pulled it up, revealing my pale stomach.

"Take your shirt off." Naruto demanded. "What? Here?" I asked in confusion.

"...are you really going to question your master? Do as I say." Naruto said with a deep and raspy tone in his voice.

"Ah," I gulped, taking off my shirt. Naruto looked over for a second and grinned. "Good boy."

His hand tickled my stomach and soon to my nipples, where his light touch turned to a grip at my nipples. "Nng!" I grunted, wincing.

"I can't wait until we get to my house..." Naruto began with a desperate sigh. "Let's have a little fun before we get there."

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