Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, Masochism

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"hngh!-" I groaned, feeling a finger move under my pants and at my hole.

"You're so pretty," Naruto whispered as his hand loosened at my hair and moved down to the side of my neck. His mouth moved to the opposite side, and as his lips and tongue caressed my pale skin, he left a love mark.

"Nn." The blonde moved his mouth from my neck and looked at me for a few seconds.

"Seeing you all defenseless like this..." He mumbled, looking at my face which was full of pleasure in the moment.

He squinted, soon taking my hand suddenly again. "H-hey, you do this a lot!" I muttered as I followed behind him to a room.

The room looked very familiar. I paused, processing. "Huh?..." My eyes widened as I put together the pieces.

"You..." I paused. Naruto's expression changed. "Ah."
"You.. had sex with me, didn't you?" I said.

I didn't remember all the details, but I could finally put together the realization that me and him had already had sex before.

"So then... You took care of me, and... And..." I couldn't say much else. I knew I'd messed up for sure though. Naruto had some kind of appeal to him. And I just happened to fall for it.

Naruto pulled me, pushing me against the bed. He grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips. "Do you have my scent?~" he paused, and licked my finger, soon sucking on it.

"Mm-" the blonde grinned as he saw my small flinch.
He looked down, seeing my loud erection. Naruto also had an erection. He bent closer, his arms around my body and pushed off the bed to rub his erection against mine, making me get a ticklish feeling.

"Nng!" I groaned. "Goddammit..." I huffed. "Quit teasing..." I seemed to have said something wrong because Naruto immediately paused.

"Oh? So you're telling me what to do now?..." He said, chuckling. Naruto's face got closer to mine, and with a hand on my chin, his breath hit my lips. "Don't get cocky. I own you."

My eyes widened as I felt a tingling feeling inside of me. I own you. That sentence replayed in my head as I watched him take off my pants, throwing them somewhere that didn't matter now.

Naruto got handcuffs which were in a drawer somewhere. "Let's use these this time." He smiled.

I felt a shiver go through my entire body. "Yes.." I was shaking now. "....Master."

"Good boy..." Naruto's hand went down my body after he the handcuffs on me. His hand was gently tickling me, just enough to arouse me.

He seemed to know what aroused me, even though we'd only had sex once. It was kind of impressing, actually.

He took a blindfold from the side dresser and gently covered my eyes. His gentle touch was so uniquely his. His voice was rough and quiet. I could envision him without even trying. And the being blindfolded only makes everything hotter for people like me -- people who want to be dominated, people who want no control.

"Say 'miso' if it gets hard to handle." Naruto said softly. I almost laughed at the word until I felt a whip go across my stomach, making me groan. "Gah!"

"You want your master so badly? Then do what he says," Naruto said, and I kept quiet.

"Don't hold your moans in. Why're you doing that? Let it out." He roughly grabbed my chin and jaw line facing my face to him.

"I want to hear you scream."

I blushed, nodding. "Mm..."
"Haha... You're such a whore. You're dripping with precum when this is all I've done."

"Mmmm..." I bit my lip.
I felt him harshly grip my leg, moving it upwards and at my stomach. As he pressed my leg down, he shoved a finger inside of me for preparation. I grunted. "Ugh!"

I heard an unzipping sound. I felt my body shiver as I knew what was going to happen next. Naruto's hand laid on top of my chest, pressurized.

I felt him at my entrance, positioning himself as he pushed to get himself inside. "Nnnng!" I grunted. I wanted to grip the sheets tightly, but then realized I couldn't with the handcuffs.

Naruto was finally inside after another push. My entire body shivered. Naruto made some kind of sound of relief, like a sigh.

"You're lucky that I've been craving this, otherwise you'd have to earn it," he laughed through another sigh of relief.

I moaned out as he started thrusting. They were slow at first. Naruto suddenly gripped my hair tightly, pushing my head back. He thrusted harder and farther in me.

"Ah, N-Naruto! Master! Mm!-"
He pushed down on my thighs to reach in me more. His hand moved down from my hair and to the blindfold, where he gently uncovered one of my eyes.

"Ohhh..." He smirked. My face was a bright red, and my eyes were watery from the pleasure.

I saw his blonde hair, which was still a bit wet, hang down above me. It was oddly attractive. And those eyes... What was it about him that made him so appealing?...

And who would've guessed that someone so dumb in person would be like this up close.

He bent close to me, sticking his tongue at my mouth and lips. As his tongue slipped in, I got the familiar taste of ramen. He gently sucked on the inside of my mouth.

As he backed away for air, a string of saliva separated us, and he smiled once again. "You're so fucking cute..." He said under his breath.

"Nnh," I whimpered at the pause in movement.
He seemed to of caught on to this, because he suddenly started thrusting roughly.

"Gah! M-mast-- master! Faster!" I moaned loudly.
Naruto complied. "You're going to get punished when I'm not so desperate to fuck you instead, haha..."

"Mm...!" I flinched as cum spilled out and onto me. Naruto pulled out, noticing this. "Hmm..."

He bent down, bringing his tongue to my dick. He gently licked some cum off of it. My body quivered.

"What are you...??" I questioned, completely confused as to why he was doing that. "Now I know how you taste... Hahah," he laughed.

Naruto lifted his head. I whimpered. "What? What is it?" He asked.

"I want to taste you too."


He smiled a second later, and moved towards me. He took the blindfold off, and took my hand. He moved it to his dick.

My hand gently caressed it. "Make me cum." Naruto demanded. I slowly nodded, and thrusted it in my hand.

I watched Naruto's face as it soon turned to pleasure as I thrusted it faster and faster.

Eventually he held onto my hand as I thrusted. It seemed like he was reaching his limit.

"Mm.." he let out small moans. "S-suck it..." He said softly. "Now."

I nodded, bending down and placing my mouth on it. I sucked on it, making him let out more moans.

He gripped my hair tightly, pushing my head down so that his dick reached the back of my throat.

I felt him flinch. "A-ah..." He moaned and sighed afterwards.

Cum went into my mouth. Naruto took my chin, making us look eye to eye. "Swallow it." He said in a demanding tone. I swallowed.

We both huffed as we were at our limit. Naruto looked at me and smiled. He pulled me into a hug.

I gently hugged him back.
Maybe he's worth keeping around after all.

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