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"mmm..." I groaned, turning over to see Naruto's wide eyes boring into me.

I jumped at that, confused as to why he was staring. "Ugh, you scared me... What're you..."

"You're so pretty when you sleep."

Naruto said softly, as a smile creeped out, and soon a chuckle as he saw my red face.

"Geez, go to bed already, idiot."

"I did. I woke up not long ago."

"W-well I meant to go back to bed!"

"But we have work... At least I do."

I sighed. I had to work too. "Haa... What a pain..."
Naruto gently grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, where he kissed it softly.

"Come on. I know you're sore, but I will make breakfast for you! So get up!" He grinned cheerfully and goofily, as usual.

"M-my back is fine... Ugh..." I sighed in embarrassment, my face flushed.


"Okay! Your plate, sir!" He handed me a plate of eggs and bacon. I smiled seeing that he actually made the breakfast.

It looks tasty.
I took my fork, stabbing into the eggs, and scooped it into my mouth, chewing on the soft and seasoned bite.

"'s good." I blushed.
Naruto giggled upon hearing this. He became excited knowing that I liked his food, and suddenly ran up to me, taking the palm of his hand to move my hair back so he could kiss my forehead.

"I'm glad you like it. Now eat up!" The blonde chuckled, hurrying to get himself a plate as well.

I quickly ate, watching as Naruto stared intensely, watching me as I took each bite. He had his face sitting on his hand, which was leaning on the table.

"Ahh.. you're staring a lot today." I blushed.
Naruto chuckled. "I can't help it..."

I smiled at him softly, flinching as I heard a ding coming from my phone. "Eh?"

I checked my phone, getting a message.
You're so disgusting. Such a slut, seriously, and a fag! Go to hell, you brat...

The message went on, and I shuddered reading the rest. "Ah... I'll be.. right--.." I ran to the bathroom, throwing up and coughing.

"Haa... Haa..." I panted heavily. My chest was tight and my throat fell like it was going to collapse on itself.

"Sasuke!" Naruto ran in the bathroom. He quickly went to check on me, watching as my hands almost slid off the toilet seat.

I began crying, thinking of the message once again.
Naruto held me in his arms, and his soft breathing, as my head hit his chest, lifting my head just slightly with each breath, I began calming down.

I felt exhausted all over again. I might be overdramatic, actually. But I had never been called anything like that except from when Jugo was mad. I'm not sure why this hurt more. Maybe because I knew Jugo's intentions. I don't know.

All I want is...
"Naruto... Stay by.. my side..." I whispered, barely audible. Naruto smiled. My head was in his lap, we were on the couch. "What about.. work?"

"I'm taking the day off. You should, too... You're in bad shape." Naruto said, running his large and rough hand through my silky, raven like hair.

My eyes were heavy. Naruto was so comforting. Something about him... I don't know what it is.

"So... Do you want to talk about what happened?" Naruto said in his usual raspy voice, but this time deep, with a serious look on his face.

"I was just sick..." I muttered up a lie. Naruto doesn't need to stress over this.

"'re not sick. It was after you checked your phone. You don't have to tell me, but I just want to help. I love you, ya know?" Naruto mumbled.

Maybe he should know about this... Ahh, what do I do?... I'd gotten messages like this before when me and Naruto got together as sex partners, and they kept increasing, especially after the Jugo issue, but none of them were this bad. It was usually just people saying I was gross, and that was it.

So, the issue of the equation.. must be..

I looked up at Naruto, who still had a serious look on his face as he watched TV. His whiskered cheeks, ocean-like eyes, and bright blonde hair, no matter what, he was a beauty.

"I'm going to go to the store to get some snacks.. stay here. I'll be quick!" Naruto smiled at me before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

I sat on the couch, my head beginning to hurt. I looked at the dark ceiling, thinking of what I should do.

Even though I change numbers, I always get the messages. People keep finding it out somehow. I wondered how.


The door clicked open, and Naruto appeared after what seemed like forever. My eyes were still puffy from crying before. Naruto walked in with bags in his hands. "Alright, I got some snacks!!~" he loudly said, trying to cheer me up.

"Naruto..." I softly said.

"We should break up."

Naruto dropped the bags, making a bang noise. "What?"

"If people find out I'm with you... They're going to send you messages too." I muttered.

"The best option is to break up." I said, shaking.

"Sasuke, what are you talking about--"

"Don't make this harder than it has to be!" I cried.

Naruto quickly ran to me, pulling me into a hug. "That's not really what you want, is it." Naruto said softly.

I cried, and his shoulder became wet from my crying. "It's okay... I know it's hard to believe, but things will get better."

" never.. seems like it will..."

"It will when we're together."
Naruto whispered as he held me.

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