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Though I was scared, I decided to explain why I was so terrified of what may happen to us. I explained what may happen to him in particular, as I calmed down. "One breath at a time, Sasu." I listened to the fool, who'd fallen for me, just as hard as I'd fallen for him.

"So.. Jugo is still bothering you? Jesus, he can't get enough can he?" Naruto sighed. We sat on the couch next to each other. Our hands gently holding each other. It was the comfort I needed at a time like this.

"I don't want to break up with you. I never would want to be apart from you. But.. I think it's best.. cause he might come for you next, and—" my eyes watered at the thought.

"Sasuke." His speaking became uneven in tone. "I love you. Jugo isn't gonna get in the way of that." He turned to me, wrapping arms around me. "And, well, maybe you do want to be apart. And I'll respect that if it's something you want. But Jugo? If it's just him impacting your decision, I will fight tooth and nail to stop him, and to make you mine." Naruto kept me pulled into a hug. My arms slowly rose to his muscular back.

"What do we do, then?..." I mumbled. "I just want him to leave us alone..."

"Let's go to the cops. The dumbass left a message, and that is definitely illegal to say things like that and harass somebody." Naruto said, his voice muffled from his face burying into my shoulder.

He was right. It's something I could've easily thought of before— but why didn't I?

"Alright. Let's do that."



"Hm.. alright. We're gonna need your messaging history for it, that alright, sir?"

"O-of course." I thanked the man and me and Naruto left. "Well, let's go somewhere. Maybe we could go to Ichiraku... or... maybe we could go to the movies." He smirked.

"Hahah... the movies... that was our first date, wasn't it..." I smiled and blushed at the thought of that memory. I wonder how I couldn't see how special he was sooner.

"You know... you really bring out the best in me. I don't think I've ever had myself so happy before." I grinned at him. Naruto's eyes were widened, but slowly he smiled at me.

He grabbed my hand tightly. "Me too, Sasu."

We left to the movies, which we'd decided could be even more fun, and we could reminisce over our feelings at the start.

"Love ya'." Naruto's raspy voice whispered to me as the movie started. "Love you more." I chuckled. Popcorn was in his lap as he cheeringly ate some, handing me bites every now and then.

My throat began getting dry. Man, I should've gotten a drink earlier. I watched as Naruto sipped on his cola. "You must be thirsty," Naruto laughed as he caught me staring.

"Here." He handed the drink to me. I nervously took a sip. "What, it's not like we haven't done—" I covered his mouth quickly. "Shh, not so loud!"

Naruto looked shocked for a second before licking my hand. "Hey!" I quickly removed my hand. I looked back at him. His smile instantly made me laugh. "You bastard."

Enhanced Love ~ NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now