Postmortem (Dana and Keith fake scenario)

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Dana's sixth sense allows her to see what happened five seconds after the present time.

A few moments after Rielle closed her eyes and come to terms with her fate, Dana fell down to her knees and broke down, crying.

Dana and Keith was captured by Izumi's forces and when Rin was hailed as the new ruler of the Shinigami tribe, they have been labeled as traitors and was stripped off of their elite hierarchy. Keith couldn't care less about the rank, all that mattered to him is Dana's well-being. For the first weeks after they've been captured, Dana silently wept and Keith just listened to her. He knew that Dana will get back to her feet and avenge Rielle, after all, Dana was Rielle's first female friend.

Keith just listened as Dana cried and wished she was there for Rielle, or how things could be different if they weren't Shinigami. She even wondered what happened to Kid after they got incarcerated, they never found out if he survived or if he's gone too. A broken laugh even escaped her when she mentioned their own son, Darwin, and tried to imagine a life with him. Keith could only listen as he also don't know the right words to say, for he is also breaking inside. But he knew that he needs to be the stronger one, he can't afford to let Dana crumble down on her own.

Keith can hear some of her thoughts whenever she sleeps after a breakdown. He knows that Dana felt envious of Rielle's friends and new family in Tantei High, especially with Hideo. How she wished to use the Black Dimension— run to where Rielle is, and to hold her friend for the last time. Dana's hurt, but Keith knows that she learned to slowly accept that Rielle died in the arms of the man she loves.

Rielle's demise brought scars to her that would take more than a decade to heal. But all those years when she was breaking, Keith just stood by her side and never left since then.

Then the right moment finally came. Naomi came to where they've been imprisoned and talked about how long it took her to find them.

Dana's sixth sense allows her to see what happened five seconds after the present time.

A few moments after what Naomi said, the Shinigami forces guarding them were found on the ground, dying.

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