The Timeline - Disclaimers & Warnings

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Hello everyone, and welcome to my new fanfic, titled "The Timeline".

I usually am very excited to start my stories but this one is very special to me, because I've been working on it ever since I joined the Harry Styles fandom (the plannings, the plot, the various scenes etc. etc.). Dare I say, it's the work of my life? Yeah, yeah I can say that.

If you are here for the first time, hello, I hope you like this one, because she truly is my little jewel, and so much of myself will be poured into this story (from some personal experiences, to some characters trait, to other things I won't disclose - but maybe you all will pick them up anyways!).

If you are here because of my other stories (and you're a purist who will read someone's entire bibliography, just like I would haha) - Meraki and No Bravery - then welcome back in my profile! I hope you will enjoy this fic as much - if not more - than my other two fics, because as I said before and will continue to say forever, this little fic is my babygirl my jewel etc. etc. etc. I will be annoying about her, and I will not apologize.

Before we dive in, some general disclaimers and some infos about how this whole story will work.

1) The target for this story is New Adult (meaning age from 18-25) as I'm an adult myself, so if you are under the age of 18, beware of this information before diving into this story.  Some of the themes I will be exploring and writing about in this story are rated Mature for a reason (alcohol, adult language, sexual content, mental illness, abuse, anxiety etc. etc. etc.).

2) The plot of this story is entirely mine, and it's fictional, so in case you see something you don't like, keep that in mind.  Yes, Harry is irl Harry in here, this is kind of an AU with Harry still being a popstar and all that, but it's still a fictional story, so of course I had to make up some aspects of his character and personality - isn't that what we all do, anyways?

3) Every character, unless explicitly stated, belongs to me, was created by me, and every reference to actual people out there is purely casual and unintentional.

4) This story will cover a quite long period of time, and it will move in blocks of one year at a time. Walk with me.  Every year will have its own moodboard and characters board, because as the story progresses so will the characters and some years we will lose some and some other years we will gain some. Yeah, this is kind of psychotic, I know. No, I won't cease to do it!

5) This disclaimer is for Sarah, and Sarah alone : you know why I'm writing this. Please, bear with me.

6) Updates will be slow-ish, because I am a perfectionist and have three different jobs, so I will write in my free time (weekends and boring times at work). Thank God I have the whole story mapped out, so I know what has to happen and will not be wasting time in imagining stuff for the plot 😮‍💨

7) I somehow feel like this is important to say, so I'll say it! This is a SLOW BURN STORY. It's gonna be full of angst and it's gonna be quite LONG. Keep this in mind and do with it what you will, before going it's 🫶🏻

WARNINGS : This story will feature explicit language, sexual content, violence, alcohol, triggering topics (anxiety/depression, mentions of abuse both physical and emotional etc. etc.). Read at your own risk, if you are uncomfortable with said topics. If, however, a chapter will contain heavy mentions of a triggering topic, I will be mentioning in advance, so that you can be warned.

As previously stated, I have been working on this story ever since I got sucked into the Harry Styles adjacent life, so I'm the expert on all things "The Timeline" so in case you have any types of questions about the characters, the plot, the setting etc. etc. do not hesitate to comment or ask me! I'm weird but if there's one thing I love is comments and attention, so if you give me that I will be most likely thriving on it and you will become my favorite reader!

That should cover it all so . . . . As people say on booktok


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