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April 29th, 2018:

Despite not receiving visits nor holding sessions on Sundays, Donna was making an exception for Claire, because she couldn't go any other day of the week.

After getting the green light from Netflix itself to keep on shooting the show, things had hit the ground running, and Claire was on set everyday, from Monday to Friday, usually starting at 8AM and finishing, after a short pause from 12PM to 1PM where she ate lunch with her coworkers, at 7PM sharp. The journey to and from the set usually took her an hour, and she'd get home at around 8PM most days, feeling incredibly happy but also incredibly depleted.

Attending a session with Donna, for as much as Claire liked the woman, would be impossible.

The thought of going to Kensington where Prospera was, having a session - usually, she managed to speak an entire hour with Donna - and then going back home, knowing that the following day she'd have to wake up at 6AM and face another day on set was physically challenging, to say the least.

And, on top of that, of course, there was also the emotional labor to take into consideration.

There was no way Claire wouldn't have left a session with Donna feeling okay, mentally speaking.

Sure, her sessions with Donna were enlightening in many ways: the woman would listen to Claire as she rambled on and on about anything, and then she'd give her point of view on the matter, always bringing to the surface something Claire had never thought about or that had been buried so deep she had needed the help to unearth it. Or, sometimes, Donna would give Claire an entirely different point of view, one that was thought provoking and that encouraged Claire to challenge her entire belief system.

It was very good, but also extremely impractical to happen on a random Wednesday, per say. Claire would still have to get up at 6AM the following day and go on set and act as if nothing had shaken the grounds of her very existence, as if she wasn't undergoing any type of fundamental change.

And she did, each Sunday, when she left Donna's office at Prospera - usually Beatrix would insist of driving her somewhere, but since she had finally obtained the funds for her next project, she had been a bit busier, working at all odd hours of the week, when inspiration struck and Claire didn't want to disturb her, knowing how hard it was to get in the right mood when creating something.

On Sundays, however, Claire had the liberty to absorb and assimilate what Donna had said, thinking and pondering about it on her way home - if she went back via tube or bus - or while Theodore was taking a nap. And then, and this wasn't something to take for granted, she had the opportunity to work it out of her body and relax when she attended her yoga classes in the evening with Jack - and David when he joined them.

Katie had definitely moved to Canada, at least for the time being, for she, too, had found her very first role in a short movie, and shooting it required for her to be there. She wouldn't be back before the summer, and even then, her returning to the UK might be only temporary, for she was establishing a group of contacts in Canada - starting with her agent - and letting it go after just one role didn't seem like a smart idea.

Still, Claire and Jack hadn't abandoned their yoga classes, and the more they went, the more they found they liked it. Claire, especially, found that hour incredibly relaxing, allowing for her body to align with her mind and listen to nothing but the instructor's voice and the soft music playing in the background. After the hour was over, Claire felt galvanized and ready to take over the whole world.

She rarely did it, she went home, ate something, took a well deserved hot shower and then fell asleep. Still, it was a premium sleep, the one she had, dreamless and deep, and when she woke up the following Monday at 6AM, she felt rested and ready to take on the entire week as if she was a superwoman.

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