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April 14th, 2016:

Katie had become the epitome of all strong, independent, single girls all over the world.

After her initial breakdowns over breaking up with Michael at the beginning of the year, a week of non-stop crying and several attempts at taking back her choice that had been stopped by both Jack and Claire when they had been in the near proximity of said girl, Katie had been reborn.

She had cut her hair short - as everyone was ought to do after a breakup - changed her style entirely, trying out new things, and had started reading feminist books that had been published in the 60s, when the movement had started picking up pace with the general public. Next step, according to her, was dyeing her hair, but she was not ready to ruin her natural curls and hair texture with hair dye. So she was holding out a bit on that one thing. No one gave her a hard time about it.

She had always been a bit shy, always relying on other people - especially Michael - to stand up for her, drag her along to do stuff, order for her in restaurants, tell the waiters if the food had gotten out wrong, ask for a refill somewhere and all those other little things that seem so stupid but are capable to send you into overdrive, turn your cheeks pink and make the back of your neck warm up and sweat that little bit that is annoying.

Now, Katie was slowly learning how to live on her own, doing all of those things without asking for anyone else's help. That very morning she had volunteered to go and order her, Claire's and Jack's orders from the school's cafeteria as they went about their business that morning, getting there with close to no sleep, each of them for the same reason.

"I'm telling you, Claire." - Katie was now saying to Claire as they sat outside, enjoying the air that was not exactly warm but also not chilling. Spring had finally decided to touch down on England as well. - "You should not fall prey to hook up culture."

As part of her journey to independence, Katie had also developed a great dislike for all things that had to do with hook up culture and casual stuff with men and women alike. And was now on a quest to get everyone she knew on board with her, friends, relatives, acquaintances and whomever else. Claire was the next designated "victim" of the little passionate speech she gave.

"I know that it gives the impression that you're free, doing whatever you want with your body, engaging in sexual activities with no emotional attachment whatsoever!" - Katie had to pause a bit when Jack almost choked on his drink at the casual mention of having sex in a public setting where their teachers could pass them by at any moment.

He gave Katie a look, raising both his hands in question, his latte forgotten on the table in front of him.

For answer, Katie shot him a look of exasperation. - "We're all adults here, Jack." - she said, rolling her eyes. Then, her attention went back to Claire, who was sitting on the seat facing the both of them, holding her lemon tea with one hand while the other slowly pushed back and forth Theodore's stroller. She had decided to bring him to university with her that day.

"Alright. Then think of the baby!" - Jack said, pointing to Theodore who was asleep inside of the stroller, peacefully wrapped under his best blankets and the cutest outfit Claire could put together.

"He's sleeping, he doesn't mind." - she answered with a little smile, sending a glance to the baby. - "Please, proceed." - she then said to Katie, who nodded triumphantly.

"Exactly. As I was saying." - she paused a bit to get her bearings back. - "It might give you the illusion of freedom, but in reality, you're not free. And you'll still be considered inferior by and to men." - she let a couple seconds pass so that her words could land. - "Think about it. The world of hook-ups is dominated by men, often partaken in male-spaces, where they set the rules and expect us women to follow them. They will treat you well as long as they can get whatever they want from you. But the moment you have given it to them, or even worse, you refuse it, you go back to being this object they can vilify and belittle."

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