22. You are mine

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The doe eyed boy tapped on a familiar number of the man for whom his heart craves every second of the day and eyes long to see his handsome face.

He bit on his dainty finger lightly with his bunny teeth bouncing his legs impatiently in anticipation waiting for the call to get answered by the love of his life.

The thing is he is in the hospital for his checkup. Taehyung was really worried for his koo who got that horrible nightmare after so long. They nearly vanished as jungkook never had any nightmare after he started sleeping with taehyung in his arms.

But when he was all alone without taehyung with him he had a nightmare which really did put an effect on the younger's mental health.

He fears to sleep without taehyung. He wakes up instantly as soon as taehyung goes away from his body. The scared and panicked face whenever he didn't see the older boy broke taehyung's heart every time.

He can't see his baby in weak and vulnerable condition. So he explained everything to jin who told him to send jungkook to hospital as he will examine him.

While so many things changed in between taekook. They got more clingy to each other as now they even kiss each other on the forehead and cheeks whenever they feel like.

"Taetae~" jungkook chirped as soon as taehyung answered his call.

The older boy smiled heartily hearing his favourite angelic voice which soothed his heart.

"Hey angel." He said softly, keeping aside his paperwork just to focus on his baby.

"Did you eat hyungie?" The bunny boy asked while putting the phone on speaker as jin also wanted to talk with him.

"Yes baby, what about you? Did you eat?" He nodded his head when taehyung asked that before speaking.

"I did hyungie."

"Then jin hyung didn't trouble you right?"

Jin's eyes twitched after hearing that. What does that brat have taken him of, huh? While jungkook was caught off guard at first but soon chuckled, hearing him.

"What- of course no taetae why would he trouble me." He continues to laugh as jin snatched his phone from him while fuming.

"Yah kim taehyung you brat what did you take me of? A troublemaker huh? You brat i don't cause troubles not to my son atleast and you just come here i will tell you the real meaning of torture then." Jin shouted despite the fact that they were in the hospital.

While taehyung's soul left hearing his warning. He even felt like he lost his ability to hear when jin shouted in his ear. He gulped thickly and cleared his throat as he let out a laugh nervously.

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